Title: Feeling Small
Author: AotA
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Characters: Wheeljack, unnamed Seeker
Setting: bayverse, early-war
Summary: When confronted with gigantic Seekers, Wheeljack begins to feel his size.
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers.
Notes: Written for
Prompt #1 “I could do with a little help here” October 23, 2010, off of
tf_speedwriting . I took 30 minutes.
tf_speedwriting )
Title: Chrysalides
Author: AotA
Rating: K+
Warnings: rooting for the empire here
Characters: Megatron, the Fallen
Setting: bayverse, not long after Megatron is resurrected
Summary: The Fallen would be the one who would propagate the Cybertronian race. He had the means, and that was why had had been exiled-for creating life, the realm of the Allspark alone.
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers.
Notes: Written for
Prompt #3 “Always in history, it is the pioneers who suffer for ultimate victory.” October 23, 2010, off of
tf_speedwriting . I took 26 minutes.
tf_speedwriting )
Title: No. Just… No.
Author: AotA
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Characters: Ratchet, Ironhide
Setting: Bayverse, prior to reaching Earth
Summary: Ratchet is doing checkups and there’s a spot of something on Ironhide’s armor.
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers.
Notes: Written for
Prompt #5 “Cosmic Rust” October 23, 2010, off of
tf_speedwriting . I took 22 minutes.
tf_speedwriting )