Playground Logic (2/?)

Jan 17, 2010 19:57

...I just realized I never posted the newest chapter here.  Oops -.-;  If you follow transficsation (or, it was posted there about a week ago.

Title: Playground Logic (2/?)
Rating: PG
Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Mikaela, Annabelle, Graham
Summary: Sometimes, the answer to that question that's been niggling at you for vorns can be given by a creature only knee-high. Sam, Mikaela and Annabelle talk life, and Prowl listens.
Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own the characters.
Author's Notes: So, apparently the bunny sunk its teeth in to me real deep, and it's gonna be a biiiit longer than a two-shot.  *glares at it*  Hopefully 3 or 4 parts?

'Mikaela told me a curious thing.' Prowl said, in the kind of offhand tone that immediately had Jazz wondering if he ought to be running for the hills. 

Chapter one is here

prowl/jazz, mikaela banes, annabelle lennox, fanfiction 2010 (winter), graham, rated pg

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