Title: Borealis 56/80: Cybertron
tainryDisclaimer: Not mine, no money.
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Prime, OC Borealis, Elita et al, Aerialbots, Elita/Prime
Warnings: het (more implied than explicit), implied robot orgies, OC
Summary: Wherein Prime asks Borealis for a ride, Prime and Elita are reunited and commence to getting jiggy,
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Aerialbots are awesome! Borealis is such a hilarious kickass dork ^^ (not to mention Optimus - the peanut line, BWAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA HA! Oh Prime <3) All the fun of new people meeting, slightly awkward and very warm-hearted (Borealis and her Earth accent, and Firestar appreciating it <333333)...Elita-One and crew are so splendidly done! The description of Elita's voice made me want to squeak just like Borealis did ^^
(The "sending a poet" was that a reference from something? Contact? *scratches head*)
*shivers at description of Cybertron* so sad, and eerie with the dust still floating...not to mention the hints of sentient cities that maybe aren't exactly friendly O_O (*glees*)
Moonracer - just look, don't touch, lol! Yeah, must be a bit of a leap to show the very essence of your being to folks you've just met, even if they are very nice - so sweet of Borealis to understand.
Wow - three merges in a row! *is impressed* Duuude, ouch though D: I love love love the imagery here, the sword, and the air, water, fire, earth - wheeeee! Between two worlds, bridge between galaxies - I'm terribly intrigued now, who will they be I wonder...
Bombshell jawdropper indeed! Yeep. O_O I like how Elita is very much captain of her own ship, though not in any sort of head-butting way.
Borealis and the "damn flying paperclips!" *roffles*
You…really are unclear on this whole combat thing, aren’t you Skydive? or Slingshot maybe?
And then the Slingshot Borealis snark, and stepping on him, and Silverbolt, oh I love you <33333333333 That description of Silverbolt when Borealis first sees him, omg *flails about completely incoherent with joy* o^__________^o
And then leaping in to Skyfire's arms, jet fashion - yahoo!
Hee hee - I wonder what Elita's going to be in for, with her three new-sparks. Can't wait for her to meet the P-bots, too!
Wow! Yay! Stupendous! *runs around in circles*
Heeeee! <3
Yes, poet ref = Contact. Movie anyway; the book was quite different.
Heheh, the Halloween chapter, a little early. We have to go back to Kalis later, and explore just how crazy a crazy sentient city gets. Good thing Beachcomber thinks on his feet. O.O
I don't think anyone else would survive three in a row like that. ^^; Good thing they're sturdy. O.O;
She is. And I like how the dynamic between her and Chromia came out. No drama llamas here about who gets to risk what. They would already have had to hash that out. Right. It would never occur to Optimus to try to tell her how to run her team. Bigger than a platoon, but smaller than a classical battalion...I need to poke around Wiki again. I reckon she's got a score or two, including the Aerials. UM has the Wreckers and others, maybe sixty total, with Kup branching off with about that many as well. I've sort of felt UM and Kup tend to run side-by-side and keep in pretty good contact when they separate.
The "unclear" line is Slingshot. Hence their insta-squabble later. XD
Slingshot + Borealis + same room + five minutes = FIGHT!
The "I think they have it sorted" is Skydive, and it's Air Raid telling 'Flight he needs rebooting. ^___^
I...might have a slight crush on Silverbolt myself. La la la...
The three new kids are going to be...interesting.
Which reminds me - I need to figure out when the P-bots get together and make Spandrel...
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