Sep 22, 2009 18:18
Title: Awoken by A Feather Touch
Characters/Parring: Mixmaster/ new character
Warnings: pg-13
Summary: Mixmaster needs friends too.
Disclaimer: Transformers is owned by Hasbro
Ok so today I was putting some certification papers in each of the mixer trucks at work ( I work in a concrete plant). And as was walking where about 10 of them were parked next to each other hopping in and out of each cab a plot bunny came to mind.
I had in mind that somehow Mixmaster go lost and happened to find himself in a fleet of mixer trucks and he is awoke ever so gently
So this is going to be a Mixmaster friendship story
I dont know how fast I'm gonna get this bunny hopping, so give me some time.
fanfiction 2009 (summer)