Title: We're all coming together now
Universe: Earthborn
Rating: K+, T overall for wiggle room
Characters/Pairings: Sam Witwicky, Bluestreak, Moonracer, Simmons, Groover, First Aid, Prowl, Red Alert, Blades, Streetwise, Bumblebee, Inferno, Hot Spot
Warnings: The power of parental units unleashed, unbeta'd more stalling on getting to Mission City I swear I'm not trying to drag this out
Summary: Sam enters the den of Sector Seven for the first time.
Parental Units are scary==============================================
Title: An end, a beginning, to an end and beginning once more
Universe: Reformatted (07/09 movieverse)
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: Blaster, Red Alert, Inferno
Warnings: AU, character death, skewing the whole cassetticon/bot making process to hell, general weirdness.
Summary: He couldn't let him die like that, though what he did may have been worse in the long run.
He couldn't change it now===========================================================
Title: It's not a weakness
Univers: G1, post movie
Pairing/Characters: First Aid and Red Alert
10_ordersPrompt: 5. Never Give Up
Rating: K+/Pg
Warnings: Unbeta'd, mentions of character death
Summary: Just because he refused to willingly fight, didn't mean he was helpless.
No matter if this is a war