NSFW Holo!OpxMeg

Jun 19, 2009 01:47

Art bunny struck again tonight when i was talking to a couple of friends. I do want to say this though. The only reason I draw holos is because I'm not confident enough to draw any sort of mecha at all.

And I like playing around with expressions

As stated, NSFW only because you see butt and because it's smut.. between two guys, and yah.

The room was dark. Optimus preferred having as many lights on as possible, because he simply couldn't stand the dark, however...

A hand trailed up his back and wound through his hair, giving a good strong yank to tilt his head back. lips met with the juncture of his neck and shoulder and bit.

He moaned and grit his own teeth at the sensation of painpleasurepain that followed with a switch flick of his partner's tongue. he grabbed on a piece of longhair that fell  from the shortness of the rest of it and yanked as well.
 A Low chuckle was his answer and the head lifted back to look at him with catlike eyes that glowed as red as the digital clock on the other side of the room.
"Always so impatient Orion..."
"Fuck now, complain about my short-callings later," he demanded and the spine trembling chuckle was back.
"Well I can't very well do that when you still have these on now can I, hmmm?" a finger plucked at the waist band of his pants.

Optimus said nothing as he rose up onto his knees and began to slide the fabric down over his hips, revealing the blazing red Autobot insignia on a tanned hip. his partner smirked and a strong hand came around the opposite hip and over onto his ass, squeezing once.

Optimus didn't like things dark, but just this once, he'd live with it..


Click on the picture for a better one, I think.

Op has long hair because Wheeljack finally got something right and switched him to a guy... only, Optimus didn't mind the long hair and kept it. Megatron sure doesn't mind, he gets to use it in all sorts of ways XD

See what happens when you're sick and puking your guts out and have nothing better to do?

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fan art, nsfw, optimus prime, holoforms, megatron

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