Generator inspired Drabbles

Apr 14, 2009 10:53

Morning all! And Happy Tuesday ;)

I come bearing 5 Random Pairing Generator Drabbles. Let me know what you think. Thanks and enjoy :)


Barricade / Optimus / Bad Touch (movie)

None of the other Autobots could understand why their leader had let Barricade be repaired when they’d found him, bleeding out and dying in the desert about a mile from their make-shift base. Prime had told them that he couldn’t just let him die. It wasn’t right. Even if he was the enemy. They were still mourning the loss of Jazz, though, and none of them had understood. But Optimus wasn’t all about justice and righteousness; goodness and light…

He stood in the warehouse where Ratchet had kept Barricade after repairing him. They hadn’t brought him fully online yet. But Optimus did so now, letting his fingers slide along the sleek, black armor of the Mustang as Barricade came back online. Crimson optics regarded Prime cautiously.

“What…” Optimus stopped him with a hand over the dark mech’s mouth.

“I had you repaired; saved you from death. You belong to me now, Barricade. You don’t speak unless I allow it. You do nothing without my permission. Are we clear?” Barricade nodded and Prime’s fingers slid down to Barricade’s open chest, just above his repaired, pulsing spark. “Eventually I’ll have you reformatted, rebuilt, and you’ll rescan your alt mode and then you’ll take Jazz’s place at my side. Whether you like it… or not…”


Ironhide / Sam Witwicky / Need (movie)

Bumblebee still needed repairs. Will Lennox was back with his family. Jazz had been buried and mourned. Ironhide needed something to do. Someone to take care of for awhile. He went looking for Samuel.

And found the boy at the lookout. Ironhide parked and transformed, moving to sit next to Sam, looking out over the canyon below.

“I can’t sleep,” Sam said softly. “The nightmares are killing me. I can’t eat. I hear voices in my head. I hear his voice. I still feel like I’m falling…” Ironhide said nothing as he reached down and gently picked Sam up and brought the boy closer to his chestplates, letting the warmth of his spark pulse around him.

“I will not let you come to harm, Samuel,” he said in a quiet, yet distinctly authoritative tone. “I am here now. You can let go and rest. All warriors must learn to do so.”

As the sun set, Sam finally did as Ironhide instructed, the held back tears finally falling until he had cried himself to sleep. Ironhide leaned back against the tree and held him. He’d stay as long as the boy had need of him.


Kup / Prowl / Damaged (IDW)

“You should get that looked at, Soldier.” Prowl looked up to find Kup watching him intently.

“I am fine, Kup. No need to worry. I need to finish these reports for Jazz and get with him regarding the advancements of the Swarm. And I suppose we need to discuss what to do about other… incidents…”

“Prowl, I won’t tell you how to do your job or live your life, but, this group needs you and we need you in one piece. The fragging reports can wait. You’re damaged. And I ain’t talking just about the physical wounds either. You need to talk about what’s happened.”

“What is there to say? It should have been me, Kup. I should not have let him sacrifice his life for ours. That was never his job.” Kup stepped closer to Prowl and dropped a hand on the younger mech’s shoulder.

“That’s always his job; whether we like it or not. Now, come on. Let’s get that fixed and then we can find Jazz and figure out our next move…”


Bluestreak / Smokescreen / Cybertron (G1)

Bluestreak sighed heavily and glanced over at Smokescreen who was sitting behind his desk, watching the gunner in quiet contemplation.

“How long do we have to do this?” Bluestreak asked quietly.

“Until I think you’re ready for duty again,” Smokescreen answered. “You’re not recharging. You haven’t been since that fire. If you don’t talk to me, I can’t help you and if I can’t help you, then I can’t clear you for duty again. So… talk to me. Please.” Bluestreak sighed heavily once more and lay back on the sofa-like structure in Smokescreen’s office once more.

“It was just like the fire on Cybertron… the one that killed my family… the day my entire city was destroyed..”


Starscream / Megatron / Regret (1986 movie)

Megatron was not a mech who regretted anything. He lived for power; he lived to rule. He was merciless, ruthless, emotionless.  There was nothing he regretted at all.


Except for when he would walk the halls of Nemesis at night and he would come to Starscream’s quarters and let the door open and look inside to find his Air Commander in recharge in his bunk. Then Megatron knew regret. For in recharge, Starscream exuded innocence, childishness, a trust that only a youngling or sparkling is capable of and Megatron regretted the day he ever took that away from his second in command. This night… the night before they would attack the ship headed to Earth, he wanted to forget that regret for one moment… just one night. He stepped further into Starscream’s room, pulled a chair quietly near Starscream’s bunk, sat down, and watched the younger mech sleep.

fanfiction 2009 (spring), optimus prime, g1, prowl, bluestreak, megatron, sam witwicky, ironhide, poster: sunny_and_sides, kup, starscream, megatron/starscream, barricade

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