Fic: Two in the Morning

Apr 10, 2009 14:30

Two in the Morning
By Dreaming of Everything aka dream_it_all aka dreams_of_all, betaed by mmouse15

Ratings/Warnings: One obscenity, no violence, nothing sexual.
Characters/Pairings: Gen, Ironhide and Sarah Lennox.
Summary: An early morning conversation between Sarah and Ironhide. Sarah wants Ironhide to get some rest. Ironhide wants Sarah to go away. Sarah's clinging to whatever she can while Ironhide pushes everyone away. There's a resolution to be reached. Maybe... (Completed oneshot.)

Two in the Morning at FFnet

( Two in the Morning )
Fake cut to my writing LJ; cross-posted to transficsation.

fanfiction 2009 (spring), lennox family, autobots, poster: dreams_of_all, sarah lennox, ironhide, rated pg

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