Fic: Paths of War

Feb 28, 2009 11:32

Title: Paths of War
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Transformers and all related characters therein do not belong to me. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Megatron’s formal declaration of war against Optimus Prime.
Author’s Note: This is probably the most out of the blue bunny to ever bite me. Oh, well. It was fun. I believe that lyricality will be writing Optimus’s response. *sits back and waits for her genius to manifest*


After 180 vorns of joint leadership, a leadership noted for the renewal of Cybertronian prosperity and peace, political disagreements on policy led to the slow dissolution of their partnership, and on the 200th vorn of their combined rule, Lord High Protector Megatron commissioned a Cybertron-wide broadcast and formally declared war on Optimus Prime.

All existing recordings of the speech remain inaccessible to non-officer Autobots.


When the state of an empire as great as our own-an empire marked by wealth, and peace, and power-can fall into such a state of poverty, chaos, and manipulation, it is the duty of the citizens, and their right, to identify and break free from the source of their intolerable condition. For the past several vorns we have seen our magnificent society fall into a deplorable state of disrepair, and we can trace the cascade of ruination into the upper echelons of our government.

My position as Lord High Protector of Cyberton, achieved through the means of a fair and democratic electoral process, places upon me the responsibility to the citizens of Cybertron to reveal and counter the unforgivable transgressions that have been deliberately applied by those in high government to undermine and exploit the governed.

The reign of Optimus Prime has been marked by just such a disgraceful decline in public-interested rule. There can be no doubt that in recent times we have experienced a severe erosion of the values and principles that were the framework of the Golden Age, and unbiased scrutiny reveals that the fault of such degeneration can be given to the current ruling Prime. Assessments of recent policies, and the sufferings endured in their consequences, reveal that Optimus Prime has turned away from his original ideology of Cybertronian growth and societal well-being and that he has fallen to the corruption inherent in a position of singular authority. In light of recognition of mistreatment by an established and previously respected individual, wisdom and discretion must dictate action: no decision can be made lightly, no thought of retaliation can be made in haste, no revolution can begin without due consideration. However, we find that the offenses upon the trust and faith of the common citizen-that the extent of the abuse and mistreatment that Optimus Prime has laid heavily upon our planet-are unpardonable and cannot continue without due reprisal.

We recognize these offenses be as such-that nothing less than pure ignorance, and an unwillingness to reverse his condition, has left Optimus Prime sorely distanced from the needs and desires of the citizens of Cybertron. Arrogance has replaced societal identification, and his policies reflect this unfortunate and destructive dissociation. Without knowledge of the workings and the desires of our great society, Optimus Prime has hampered prosperity by restricting the expansion of free trade with other planets-coupled with the shameful waste and hoarding of government funds, the wealth of Cybertron has plummeted to levels far below those found under the reign of Sentinel Prime. The loss of wealth has opened Cybertron to the abuse of our fellow member planets in the Intergalactic Assembly; recent attempts at furthering Cybertronian interest within the Assembly have failed and been countered at our expense, sending us even further into a state of despair and vulnerability. The only defense left to us, then, is our military superiority, but with the loss of funds and a rejection by the Prime of overtures of cooperation and compromise from the Protectorate has weakened the army. We find that under these conditions, our planetary security is now in critical danger.

But even these complaints can be suffered. Indeed, we may use the discovery of these defects to improve current legislation in order to secure future benefits. However, Optimus Prime has refused time and again to acknowledge the failure of his policies. He has instead held to irrational and inflexible continuation of his law, and he has taken offense to and rejected all motions of reform. He has resorted to a rule of tyranny. He has enacted laws that inhibit fair criticism of his rule; those in office who, in good virtue and civic duty, violate these laws find themselves removed from their post, gagged and intimidated into silence. Those citizens who do the same are injected into a corrupted judicial system from which extraction is impossible. Optimus Prime has thus engaged in a rule not of fairness but fearfulness. He has, in violation of the public-approved balance between monarchy and the Protectorate, over-extended his authority; he has assumed a complete and authoritarian dictatorship, perpetuating on the citizens of Cybertron a state of despotism.

Having exhausted all means of legal, diplomatic, and civil means to correct these wrongs, we so come to the conclusion that there is no recourse left to us but war.

I call upon the free citizens of Cybertron-those who no longer wish to be shackled, abused, and enslaved-to join me in holding high the values of honor, and freedom, and justice, so that we may rise up and reclaim the glory of Cybertron.

poster: lady_oneiros, fanfiction 2009 (winter), optimus prime, megatron, rated pg

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