Man and Machine (3/?)

Sep 03, 2008 20:46

I'm so sorry guys!!! College started again and I havne't had time to even breath! i've been busy with educational and English classes. BOTH of them have intensive writing >< Anyways. I've decided to continue Man and Machine with little oneshots making up an fiction. And the unnamed kids now have names!!! We meet Wheeljack's boy in this one.i have a colored version of the "Man and Machine Sidetracked" i hope this one is better than the one I put up before.
**** I think i may have found Jazz's song.. this song just.. it has Jazz written all over it....  Popular by Darren Hayes.... Look it up!!****

EDIT: Sorry about not labling it guys... I was too tired and ill to notice..

Title: Man and Machine
Chapter: 3
Rating: eh.. T for Wheeljack's bad mouth
Disclaimer: This is Hastak's bag'o cookies, I'm just eatin' some of em
Summary: “ Son... the driver don' pick the car, the car pick the driver... it's a mythical bond between man an' machine"

Big Brother

I’m a very stick-to-the-formula mech when it comes to doing things and making decisions. It’s more logical to follow the rules than stray from them. The only exception I’ve ever made to those rules was love, because love just didn’t make any sense, and that was it...period. Other than that, common sense was something I lived by. I set goals to exceed them. Granted, they didn’t always turn out the way I wanted, but they always followed the rules of common sense and scientific method.
    Perhaps that is why I’ve given up on trying to study, understand and identify anything my young charge does. Oh, Jason is just like any other teenage, human, boy.. But that’s half the problem.
 I don’t always understand the things he says or does. Sometimes I wonder if this is how Red Alert feels when he’s ready to fritz.

It’s not very pleasant, especially to one of precise knowledge like myself. Problem is... I don’t have Ratchet here to fix it.

It is because of this that I took to reading as much relevant human literature as possible. Prime had stressed the need to keep quiet and as inconspicuous as possible. I intended to do so. So, I read human behavioral psychology, educational psychology, and anything that might have helped me understand Jason and his actions better. They made for interesting reads at best.

Humans really were fascinating.

However, none of it explained why my charge was creeping as quietly as he could towards a sleeping horned bovine animal, nor why his so-called friends were standing a safe distance away, sniggering at their own cleverness. I scoffed. Those boys had nothing on Sunstreaker or Sideswipe, they’d better just give that up, really. Besides, Jason knew better, I know he knows better. He knows this is private property and he knows enough to let sleeping animals lay.. Or stand in this case. Obviously his common sense was shoved so far up his aft he forgot he even had it. This was just getting more frustrating by the second.

Because now he was... dear Primus... did he just tip that cow?!

He did... I feel a headache... a big, TWIN sized headache coming on.. Congratulations Jason...

This was absurd, idiotic and, and.. And sophomoric! Really! I needed to stop this before they managed to get themselves hurt or worse.
So I flicked on my alarm, horn blaring and lights flashing. Smirking to myself, I saw all of them freeze and turn in my direction.
    “Dude! Jason, shut your car up!”
    “I’m trying!”
    “Well try fas- Too late! Farmer!”

It didn’t take them long to pile themselves inside before Jason was speeding away. Id didn’t take long to drop the others off either- good, more time for me to bitch him out for being stupid and irresponsible (Primus Ratchet’s rubbing off on me, I’ve got to stop). I managed to keep my cool and my tirade to myself until I was parked in the Mason family driveway. Jason said nothing, he knew I was angry.
    “Should I explain to you how many idiotic actions you performed tonight and their consequences?”
Frag, I really did sound like Ratchet.
    “No, I-.”
    “Jason Ely Mason! Cow tipping?! On an ANGUS farm? Could you be anymore dense?” he flinched.
    “Look, ‘Jack, Brad and his friends do it all the time and-.”
    “Good for them! Let them put themselves in a dangerous situation with horned animals. Let them get skewered because of their own stupidity. Not Yours! Primus Jason, I thought you were smarter than that.”
    He hung his head and for a moment I thought I may have gone a little too far over our invisible boundaries.
    “I thought it was cool... Brad told me I wouldn’t get hurt.” ok, so most of this had to do with that Brad boy... which brought me to another conclusion, and one that seemed to justify everything Jason had been doing as of late. I let out a sigh and sunk down more comfortably onto my shocks.
    “Jason... just because Brad thinks it’s alright to do something, doesn’t mean that it is. He’s not as ‘cool’ as you think he is if he’s putting his friends in dangerous situations as his idea of fun.”
    “Everyone else thinks so.”
    “If everyone else was jumping off bridges would you?”
    “Well... no, that’s kinda stupid.”
    “So is cow tipping Angus.”
    “Yeah but...”
    “Listen, Jason, let everyone think what they will. It makes them nothing more than identical social personalities. If they want to act like drones, let them do it. Don’t throw away your own thoughts just to follow the leader.”
    Jason gave my dash a thoughtful look before he spoke again.
    “Isn’t that what you’re doing with.. Er.. Uh. Optimus, was it?” I was surprised he even remembered Prime’s name, I had only ever mentioned it once or twice.
    “No Jason, it’s not. Optimus is my leader and I respect his words and beliefs. That doesn’t mean I dropped my own. Everyone of us Autobots believes in something different about what we’re fighting for. Sunstreaker believes it’s to rid the universe of Decepticons, Ironhide believe it’s to finish the war and gain back the peace we all once enjoyed.”
Silence again. This time, I know I had him convinced, and perhaps his commonsense was there after all. Apparently, peer pressure has a stronger impact on adolescent life than I first thought.
    “I guess... besides it-it really wasn’t all that much fun.”
    “See? Now get your butt inside before your mother turns paranoid on us again and sends out the Search and Rescue.” We both chuckled.
    “Hey Wheeljack?”
    “Thanks, you know, for bein’ the voice of reason.”
    “Someone has to.” he grinned.
    “Like a big brother.”
    “....Exactly...” and my boy smiled again, disappearing into his house. I settled again for the night, content at his words and my own advice.
    Like a big brother.....
yes.. yes Jason went cow tipping.. and I must confess... I HAVE done it before( I live in Pa, remember).... but my DAD took me... and he cow tipped WITH me.. thank Primus they weren't Angus bulls, that could ahve sucked... really bad.

and here-->

now colored! with good ol fashioned colored pencil and sharpie markers ><

oc, fan art, wheeljack, fanfiction 2008 (summer), rated pg-13

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