Apparently the D&D wasn't the cause of the accident - the other driver was. Now, I'm not excusing Shia drinking & driving. But it's also possible he just tipped the meter, and if the accident hadn't happened, it never would have been an issue (aka, I think it's safe to say, most of us have driven after drinking earlier in the evening - and "been fine" ). Having been in a couple of accidents - "apparent he was intoxicated" could also be his body reacting to getting F*ed up. If he was truly drunk, I'd think he'd get more than a misdemeanor DUI.
Police: Shia not at fault for accident In related news, Michael Bay says there's plenty of filming to do
w/o Shia. So it looks like we'll still get our robo-fix next summer.
hmmm...Robots & TR2N (aka Tron2)...and Wolverine... gods, I'm gonna be as broke next year on movies as I was this year...sigh...