
Jul 02, 2008 16:01

See? I told ya'll it'd be up by today! :D

Title: Enlightenment (chapter 3)
Rating: NC-17 to be safe :)
Pairing: Barricade/OC and other assortments and combinations...
Summary: The not-so-Dynamic Duo returns home to go back to their semi-methodic lives.
Warnings: Brief but graphic sexual content
Disclaimer: See first chapter

Chapter 3: Square One

The car finally stopped in front of a large metal door embedded in the side of one of the snow-covered mountains which made up the range they’d been driving through. The falling snow made no sound and absorbed all others, so the small gravel road which led off of the highway had a soft sort of silence. The towering pines and fir trees all around served to solidify the quiet and set the rather hopeful mood of the wintery scene…despite it being the middle of May.

The bay door looked like it was probably made of very thick, very solid steel. It evoked relief in the two who were currently viewing it. They were home safe at last.

In the driver’s seat of the car and young, black-haired man materialized. He turned to face the woman in the passenger seat and relaxed back against the door behind him.

“They’re going to toss me in the brig as soon as we enter.” Barricade told her, his tone indifferent, as if he didn’t care about being locked away.

The half-Cybertronian femme, his femme, reached out to take his hand. She nodded her understanding on account of having lost her voice. Again.

“You need to go straight to Ratchet.” He told her. Again she nodded. “And…and understand our kind’s relationships are less complicated than those of the humans. You have more…freedom.”

The curiosity was clear in her eyes, though she neither spoke nor transmitted an inquiry. He knew Ratchet had given her the “we are your benefactors, interface with whoever you want to” speech, but she appeared to be confused. Maybe her memories were still scrambled?

Reluctant to engage in the sort of conversation which confirmed they were…together, he leaned in close to whisper. “You are as much theirs as you are mine.”

“I’m yours?” She whispered back, smirking.

“Silence, you annoying little-“

“Annoying?” She pouted.

“Would you prefer aggravating?”

“I think I’m…saucy.” Climbing out of her own seat, she placed her knee between his spread legs and her hands on his shoulders. Trapped between the door and her body he had no choice but to slide his hands up her legs to her ass as she kissed her way down his neck.

“I thought we had to be careful.” He murmured against her cheek, tilting her head up to give her a very thorough kiss.

“I am being careful.” She informed him as she straddled his hips. He was so hard, so exciting looking up at her with those lust-filled brown eyes, it was too much.

“You’re not supposed to be talking.” It took all his strength to keep his voice level as she rocked her hips against his, especially since he could hear her thinking she was helpless against it, planning on grinding herself against him until she was satisfied.

And all he could do was watch.

He felt his cock twitch at the thought and she was licking her lips and increasing her pace and Primus could he get any harder? Probably if she kept biting her lip like that, throwing her head back and making those hot little noises. He had to see more of her body, had to touch her and tear her shirt off so he could lick the skin of her chest. His hands found their way up her torso and under her bra. She rewarded him with a little gasp when he kneaded her breasts and took one hardened nipple in his mouth.

“’Cade, I’m so close, almost there…” She panted, gripping the headrest in one hand and his dashboard in the other so little bolts of pleasure zipped through his body and lit up his sensors.

He brought his hips up just slightly for her, and she mewled. Her movements were desperate as she continued faster and faster. His arms wrapped tightly around her and his mouth still working on her breasts was enough to drive her faster over the edge in just a few more strokes.

In an attempt to reposition herself for better maneuvering, she put her foot down on the floor, unfortunately flooring the gas pedal in the process.

They both sobered quickly as the vehicle shot forward, but not quick enough for Barricade to engage his breaks. He crashed into the door fast enough that the pain caused his holomatter to snap out of existence, leaving his partner whimpering in the driver’s seat.

She quickly pulled her shirt on as she stumbled out of the car.

“’Cade?! Are you alright?!”

“Never again.” muttered his disembodied voice.

“I’m sor-!” Coughing interrupted her mid-sentence.

His hologram flickered to life beside her slowly, as though just generating it caused him further pain. Pain or no, he took her in his arms to quiet her.

::No talking, Fleshling.::

She nodded against his chest and wrapped her own arms around him as her coughing continued. He reached up to stroke her hair softly, playing with the ends until her fit began to subside.

“Ready?” He asked.

Her chance to answer was taken when the garage door bean rolling up without warning, grinding loudly against his front bumper. The embracing couple winced at the noise and then froze at the sight of two very large cannons pointing at them. On the other end of the cannons was a very angry looking Ironhide.

As the older mech realized who he was threatening, he softened and became rapidly excited.


She winced at her former name. Barricade hurriedly took a large step away from her and tried to look indifferent to her existence.

Ironhide dropped down into his alt mode, switched on his projector and swept her up in a bear hug. His mouth was on hers an instant later, his tongue demanding entrance and making short work of the remaining strength she’d had in her legs.

“Natalie, Natalie, oh Primus.” Ironhide laughed in relief against her neck. “You’re alive. You’re in one piece!” It was the most blatant display of affection she’d ever seen him give anyone. Even Ratchet. “You’re never leaving my sight again. Never leaving our quarters again…”

Hide’s rambling continued and she smiled, looking over at Barricade and watching him lean casually against his alt form.

“What’s all this, ‘Hide?”

Normally the nickname from anyone but her or Ratchet would have set Ironhide on a killing spree, but Jazz was saved only by the larger bot’s excitement.

“Natalie!” Jazz exclaimed when Ironhide turned to show off his newly found charge. He darted forward to pull her against him and out of her guardians arms, but not fast enough that she didn’t notice how close he’d been standing to Prowl. Barricade notice too, and was giving the tactician a very obvious once-over until he heard silence where Jazz’s banter should have been.

The other man was kissing his femme just as the weapons specialist had, though his kiss was significantly…deeper…and longer.

“Jazz, she requires respiration.” Prowl pointed out. Calm, cool, collected, though clearly amused.

The saboteur removed his tongue from her mouth just long enough to reply, though he never looked at Prowl and spoke so his lips brushed hers. “No she doesn’t.”

::I thought you weren’t going to make any moves on me.:: She sent him as he slid his tongue over hers in a painfully sweet kiss.

::I can’t help it, babe. We thought you were a goner.::

“Stop hogging all the action, Jazz!” Bumblebee demanded, yanking her out of his arms. She gave him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek before approaching Ironhide. He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her back inside.

Jazz made his way to stand by Barricade and asked, “so, you found her?”

“Indeed.” The former-Decepticon replied.

“Cool…so, did you interface with her?”

“No,” he smirked.

“Then what was the point of saving her?” Jazz laughed. At the look he received for his joke he added, “kidding.”

“Jazz,” Barricade began, “how do I…is there a process to…?”

“To interface?”

“No, you insatiable little-!”

“Barricade.” Prowl was all business as he approached. “I didn’t think you’d return. You know what is going to happen now, don’t you?”

“Wait. I…” He started, then stopped upon realizing he couldn’t do this. Could he?

“Were you talking? Don’t you know ya can’t speak once for at least an orn when you get a new vocalizer?!” Ratchet’s voice could be heard behind them. He was dragging Natalie away toward his alt form, presumably to take her back to quarters and shut off her vocalizer until it healed.

“What, Barricade?” Prowl was asking.

The brown-eyed man watched his femme climb inside the ambulance and stare at him through the window. She touched her hand to the glass and gave him a small smile when their eyes locked.

He turned back to Prowl, made a show of sighing heavily and asked in the most detached way he possibly could, “How do I defect?”

The grin Jazz gave him was enough to make him wish he could take his words back and beat his friend’s stupid, Autobot face in.

A/N: Chapter four up by Friday.

poster: speechie42, oc, rated nc-17, barricade, fanfiction 2008 (summer)

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