Alien: Not Over Yet
A Side Story (Story 2)
Characters/Pairings: Gen. Irene (OC), Coldfront (OC), Thundercracker, Skywarp, Blaster, Hardline (OC), Chester (OC, but he's a dog).
Warnings/Ratings: T for safety and language, some violence.
Summary and explanation: Standalone oneshots continuing Alien, so if you haven't read it (links are provided) you might not understand much. This one lso follows the first oneshot in this series--again, links are provided.
Summary for this oneshot: Coldfront's disappeared. Irene's worried. Thundercracker and Skywarp are bored enough to consider helping. So it's off to Alaska, to search for him! And Coldfront's got some issues to work through...
Past Chapters:
Alien: 1 Alien: 2 Alien: 3 Alien: 4 Alien: 5 Alien: 6 Alien: 7 Alien: 8 Alien: 9Alien on FFnet Not Over Yet story 1 part 1 Not Over Yet story 1 part 2Not Over Yet on FFnet (
Not Over Yet story 2 part 1 (fake cut) )
Not Over Yet story 2 part 2 (also a fake cut) )