Four effing months later...
Title: OLOBA: The Light Was Yellow, Sir (29)
Characters: Movieverse, couple of G1 Char. Mikaela, Jazz, Frenzy, OC, Ensemble
Rating: R still. Yeah.
Disclaimer: still don’t own shit but Lena.
Warning: Violence. Heavy Molestation. Author guilt for not writing smut. And this is going to be ridiculously long. Feel free to skim.
Some Credit where Credit’s Due: To my MSN girls, Dania, Vericus, and various others who have harassed me in that nice squishy way (snerk) for the past few months. And to you for botherin’ with my procrastinatin’ ass. Another pointless chapter, but shit, at least I'm writin' again! :D
Previous chapters:
26: 27: 28: follow the fake cut!
“I got a feeling that behind those jeans is something wonderful just waiting to get out.” ~ Boogie Nights (I had to!) )