(no subject)

Sep 17, 2007 15:11

Yo, update from the big boss AKA Modular One.

Warning, do not read this bit UNLESS you really, really want to get an idea of how I tick. { i wrot this friday btw and todays monday my time]

Dfirst up,. Ive moved. Now, this wouldn’t be so bad if it was not in with mum and her boyfriend. Now, trhis wouldn’t be so bade iof only for one tiny weeny little fact.

My motheer hates Kaesy with a passion.

So, im stuck ithout ABNY form of net, my mum takes her laptop with her to work, and its passworded now as well. ;__; other wise id hack into it and take it into the citry and hook into some wireless. But I cant.

So, im literally screwed.

And then theres the fact about Bob. Fuck, I hate that man so badly. He tells me what to do, he has no idea of what I am cappible of, he treats me like a child ect ect ect this list goes on. And the fact that he is literally unable to comphrend the realm of fantasy and such forth. He thinks that the electrinioc things are a waste of time, that PCs are evil ect ect ect.

He yells at me for having my MP# player on when mum couldn’t careless. Hes a neat freak!

Its just GAH!!!!

And then thers mum mum. Don’t get me wrong, for all my complaining, I love her dearly, however..

I’m a leo, shes a leo. And I have NO place to call my own, no ‘terriorty’ so to speak. She rules it all ansd shes over bearing and in your face all the fucking time. its annoying, very much so.

She treats me like im a child as well. its just…

Its annoyingly frustatiing that im in this situation and right now, theres nothing that I can do about it. Literally as well. im almost flat broke already, and I still have to so somethings befopr ive passed my online study unit.

Mum also thinks that I should be doing this her way and studding at tafe.

Fuck her,. No fucking way. I’ll study online at home. Shes not the one paying for it,. Dad is [ and me, im helping pay for it too.] so, she really doesn’t have much of a say.

Oh wait, she does, as apperantly, im still a ‘minor’ and ‘unable to know whats good for me’. BULLSHIT!

I might have Aspergers, but I sure as fucking hell know what is best for me, and whats best for me is NOT her way.

Fuck it…

Once I get this application thing filled in for the stucent credit car, ill be allright, I think. It just means that I wont be on much until that happens.
&* sighs*

aside from that, ive been BORED!

And so, me being bored is not a good idea. I trend to get thinking. I wrote the next chapeter of Come what may. i need betas.

Ok, on the issue of having charaters share one LJ, I don’t mind, whoever, youMUST work ouy who is speaking ect.

I’ll take it as a giving that plain text is the main speaker in the LJ. The rest, work out for yourselves.

In regaurds to RPG posts, as long as you use comance sence everything will be ok and I wouldn’t be fretting offline about whats going on.

Oh! AND ONE OF YOU RPGERS in Aussie CALL ME! Please? Im feeling lonely and isolated aqnd cut off and well.. I feel small.

Aside from this, im on for about an hour and half, so might do some random Rumble posts.

Barricade is cought deeply in a recurring memory loop right now, so hes not getting much rest.


Oh. And I have bad news.

Kasey, the player that played Uknown is pulling out, due to stress, family issues and such.

All I’ll say on this is that she lost her 15 year old brother to a crash, her mums over in the states, and her dad is still, as far as I know, in jail.

I’ll be attending the funeral tomorrow, then ill be forced to take on the player of Unknown. * sighs* I’ll be chating toi Kasey about this all torrow.

Oh, and now, im nopt back officially, yet. Just posting from a net café.

Ok, the main RPG comm. Is un modded joinging right now.

Behave all and no fights.


BOTH Sides now have sparkling [one per side.] I know who the autos that are getting the sparking are, and im not telling.

ALSO! GEEKS! I want, by the end of this week, a full report on the stages of sparkling carrying and the symptoms that will be displayed.


Yes, I will be enforcing this. This is so that we are not pulling stuff out of our afts.

ALSO! If you plan to have an OC Sparkling, you MUST submit detailed specs within once month of it being ‘known’ in the RP to both myself and Prowl.

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