Ratchet packed up his instruments for the day. He cleared the operating table and cleaned away the debris from the past seventeen hours, meticulously placing everything back in order so that after he roused from recharge, he could launch straight back into the fray. This was the repair job to end all repair jobs, and although he’d been slaving away
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... Of course Ironhide would show up at the base right when Ratchet had finished up in the Medbay. And from the looks of it, the Autobot medic needed the break. At the same time, the truck mech really, really wanted his cannons fixed.
The weapons specialist weighed his options. He could bother Ratchet now or wait until the other mech had rested, but there was a strong likelihood that Ratchet would feel the need to finish what Starscream had started if he were to find out that Hide hadn't come to him immediately.
Ironhide made his way up beside the medic, pausing for a moment. "Ratchet. You got any free time right now?" He motioned to the weapons mounted on his arms. "My cannons are...... malfunctioning. I need them fixed." Because in Hide's thought processors, that's obviously what needs to be fixed first.
Pitch-black plates of armour were carved up with a haphazard latticework of fresh silver slashes, where gouging attacks had cut through the paint to reveal the gleaming raw metal beneath. Crumpled, dented and spattered with spilt energon, Ironhide looked like he’d had one hell of a fight. His attacker had obviously managed to get right up close and had gone for the black mech’s face with vicious ferocity. Ironhide’s helm was scratched all over, but the right hand half of his face had taken the focus of the attack. Savagely mangled metal was twisted around a dark hollow where there should have been a brightly glowing blue optic.
And he was worried about his cannons!?Ratchet’s overworked processors snapped back into action. Despite his tired state, the medic had picked up on Ironhide’s nervous pause. It amused Ratchet that the big, trigger-happy weapon’s specialist would think nothing of getting into a punishing brawl that left him ( ... )
A snort. “Why bother waiting for Barricade to harass you again? I’d much prefer it if you’d cripple his systems as soon as possible.” An almost surprising comment, since it was coming from Ironhide. He’d much prefer to offline the Saleen himself (messing with his cannons was a very serious offense), but at this point he really didn’t care who caused the Decepticon to offline so long as it happened ( ... )
Of course, not quite yet. The common room was dark and empty still, and he knew Ratchet would probably be in the Medbay with Jazz, or nearby. Apart from the medic, who else was around? Approaching the medbay, his sensors picked up the echo of Ironhide grumbling. Well, there's one. Optimus needed to go and see Ratchet anyway - his own injuries weren't that bad, but needed attention.
The door to the medbay were open, and Optimus walked straight in.
"Well, it looks like I'm not the only one so eager to see you, Ratchet."
The yellow camaro drove past the boundaries of the Autobot base, no doubt the small alarms were notifying some of his other comrades. 'Always have to be alert.. Bee mused.
As he reached the CMO's Medbay, he transformed into his 'giant robot' form, as Sam has called it many a time. He reached through the small hole of the hanger and pulled open the sliding door and--
"Woah...what the slag happened to you guys?"
“Decepticons, what do you think? What are you here for anyway, Bumblebee? If you’ve shattered any of those brand new shock absorbers already I will personally reconfigure your suspension with the biggest, heaviest sprocket wrench I can find!”
And then the slight bit of mirth was gone as Ironhide scowled. “I’m not trying to ‘show off’ anything. I’m trying to give you a visual of my symptoms to make this easier for you,” he growled.
His disposition improved a small amount upon hearing that more Autobots had arrived. “Hmph. Perhaps I can convince one of them to come help me hunt down those spare parts for you, then.”
Ironhide turned his head as Optimus spoke, not having heard him approach because of all the ( ... )
But, over the many Centuries, Bee has learned three different things. One, When Ratchet ain't happy, ain't no one happy. Two, dealing with an angry Ironhide would only lead to trouble. Three, an angry Ratchet and Ironhide together in the room would only lead to problems.
Remembering the said idea, he stepped back away from the Medic and weapons specialist.
'Maybe talking to Prime would go a little better...' Bee told himself, as he opened up the commlink with the leading commander.
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