Vote for the Hottest Guy of Book Publishing 2008

Jun 17, 2008 14:11

Gawker Poll: Vote for the Hottest Guy of Book Publishing 2008. I'm not making this up, people. (And where are the ethnic hotties? Maybe next year, gentlemen.) Anyway, I'd only heard of one of the nominees (Nathan Bransford, a Curtis Brown agent whose blog I read). But I ended up voting for Michael Gawley, because he clearly has a sense of humour, judging from his silly pose.

And since ajmenden tagged me: Share the fifth sentence on page 123 of the book you're currently reading. I wasn't going to do this at first, because I haven't read that much of the book yet, but nevertheless:

"Hi, Silas is meeting me here," I said.
--Marta Acosta's Midnight Brunch

michael gawley, midnight brunch, memes, a. j. menden, marta acosta

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