
Aug 26, 2009 00:33

Title: Tonight
Author: Tezawari
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Genre: General, Romance
Pairings: ShigexTegoshi + Kusano
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,543
Disclaimers: These pretty boys are not mine nor are any of the references within the fiction. All characters and references belong to their rightful creators and/or companies that own them.
Summary: To Shige, losing his cell phone was normal but the people who found his cell phone wasn't.
Author's Notes: Sentences in ITALICS are spoke in ENGLISH. This feels like pretty much a plotless random thing I pulled out but it's been in my head for quite a little while. I hadn't had the time to closely edit so I'm sorry for the mistakes. I quickly wrote this for the contest at wasurenaisa . Didn't win but it was fun~

Curses were flying from Shige’s mouth the moment he crashed into his place in the university lecture hall. Massu watched with mild interest between his breakfast and Shige proceeding to toss the contents of his school bag over the table.

“Did you fall asleep in the train again?” Massu asked his classmate.

Shige absently nodded as he checked every pocket he had on him.

“Did you forget your cell phone when you rushed out of the train again?”

A grunt of frustration answered Massu’s question for him as he was taking the last bite of the breakfast sandwich. Massu reached into his pocket for his own cell phone and motioned it towards Shige before standing to take his trash to the bin.

“Thanks, Massu,” Shige said gratefully upon taking his friend’s phone and stepped outside the classroom.

After a silent prayer, Shige dialed his own number and waited in hopes of some good soul to have found his cell phone and answer his prayer. Amidst the third ring, he was connected.

In his relief and anxious excitement, Shige immediately greeted the receiver with, “Hello? Oh, I’m so glad that you found my phone! Thank you s-“


“Eh?” The voice on the other line puzzled Shige momentarily. Even from just the simple ‘Hello’, Shige sensed something a little off from just the tone and accent aside from the fact that it was spoken in English. “Um, hello. I’m sorry for the bother but it seems that you have my cell phone. Thank you for finding it,” Shige said in a clear manner.

“Hello? Sorry, but I can’t understand you. Is this your cell phone?”

Shige was stuck on what to say. He questioned the gods on the odds that a non-Japanese speaking foreigner of some sort would pick up his phone.

With the silence that took over Shige, the man on the other end loudly said an awkward ‘Moshi moshi~’

“Ah, I’m sorry, I mean…” Shige still didn’t know what to do. He knew that his own English skills were enough for him to survive in a foreign land but at the moment he was too nervous to think properly. “Uhmm… c-can we… m-meet?”

“Meet? Sure! Where is convenient for you?”

“Co-convi…Eh?” Shige desperately searched his surroundings for any possible student that passed him who looked like they had a good grasp of whatever this guy was saying to him. But, he hoped for the best in his response. “Um, Shibuya… Okay to meet in Shibuya? Time to… um, time to meet today okay? Today at 5pm, okay to meet in Shibuya?” Shige could just feel the heat in his ears and sweat at his neck. And, he swore he heard giggling from the other end of the line.

“All right, so today at 5pm in Shibuya. Got it. Actually, can we make it at 4pm? I have a date at 5pm. Say, let’s meet on the overhanging walkway by the station to avoid the mass amounts of people on the streets. Does that sound okay?”

Shige started to get the feeling that this guy had no intention on making getting his phone back easy at all. “Um… E-excuse me. I’m sorry, please say again slow-“

“Oh! My train is here. I gotta go so I’ll see you later!” The call ended there, leaving Shige annoyed and worried.

“Oi, Kato, get in my class now or I’m closing the doors on you,” an irritated voice sounded behind him.

In surprise, Shige turned around to see his short-statured professor glaring at him. “Yes, Nishikido-sensei!”


The time on Shige’s watch wouldn’t lie to him when it said 4:23 to him. He had made sure to arrive ten minutes early too. Additionally, he knows he must have somewhat bothered a few passing tourists here and there by the way he would often look expectantly at anyone who didn’t look Japanese and hope they had his cell phone. Many minutes went by and Shige leaned by the edge of the elevated walkway railing in defeat. Many negative thoughts were forming in Shige’s mind until he heard the familiar ringing of his personal ringtone. The ringing was gradually getting closer and closer to him and Shige grew more anxious in looking for its source.

“Yo!” Next thing Shige knew, his phone was being shoved to his face. “I think this call is for you.”

Shige ignored the call to give a look at the young man with his cell phone in his hand. This guy was definitely no foreigner but at least a good-looking non-foreigner. There was a goofy grin on the other’s face that sort of ticked Shige off however. Not only that, from behind this strange guy, another young male jumped into view with a sweet innocent smile on his face that still managed to bother Shige a little. It bothered him in a way that made his cheeks burn a little. By the time he finished giving the two males an awkward look, the phone’s ringing already ceased.

“Aw! You missed your call,” the pretty boy cried. He took the phone from his friend and read the front screen. “Massu wouldn’t be very happy about that, right Notti?”

“Don’t worry, Tegoyan,” the first guy assured. “We’ll just call him back, right Shige-san?”

It worried Shige that these two must have something wrong with their head, but didn’t want to lose his phone to them. “Oi! Don’t call on my phone so easily like that!” He feared what else they could have done to his phone in the new hours that it was in their possession. Shige quickly took his cell phone back from them and checked to make sure it was in the same condition it was in before. “What’s up with you guys anyway? And how do you know my name?”

“Now, is that how you speak to the nice guys who found your phone and brought it back to you?” the one referred to as Notti tsked at Shige. “My name is Kusano Hironori and my cute little friend here is Tegoshi Yuya.”

Tegoshi smiled brightly as he waved cutely. “Actually, you probably didn’t notice but we go to university together! You’re Kato Shigeaki from the Photography department, right? We see your photos all over campus! I’m in the Music department and Notti is in Dance.”

There was a lot of information processing in Shige’s brain that moment, not only trying to place what kind of guys these were but what goes through their head. “Wait, if we go to the same university, why couldn’t we just meet on campus?! I had to sneak out of NIshikido-sensei’s class early to get here at this time!”

“Oh~” Tegoshi lifted up some shopping bags he had in hand. “We wanted to go shopping in Shibuya after class.”

“You were late because you wanted to go shopping…” Shige muttered behind his teeth. “And you,” he said turning to Kusano. “You can speak Japanese! Why the hell were you talking to me in English!? I was standing here, waiting for some foreigner!”

Kusano blinked blankly to think for a second before recalling the conversation on the phone. “Oh, Tegoyan, thought it would be funny if I did it. He gets a kick when I speak English to unsuspecting Japanese. You know, your English is pretty cute. It sounds like a 5-year-old,” he said with a smile.

“Yeah, but Shige-san looks like a 35-year-old.” Tegoshi emphasized his point by frowning his lips and furrowing his brows the way that Shige was at that moment. “But when Shige is sleeping on the subway, he looks more handsome. He is so silly when he pops awake and runs out the door, sometimes leaving his things behind.”

“Ah, this guy is always watching you on the commute, ya know,” Kusano said motioning to Tegoshi. “My nickname may be Notti but Tegoyan is way worse than me, if you know what I mean. He’s the one who devised this little plan.”

Tegoshi nodded proudly, stepping up to Shige. “Yup. I like you, Shige-san~!” He shot Shige another sweet smile but it wasn’t exactly very innocent at the same time.

It was hard for Shige to ignore the way that these guys were playing with him and looking down on him in such a way and frankly, he was getting tired of it. “Thanks for giving my phone back. I have to get home so maybe I’ll see you on campus.”

Kusano quickly moved in front of Shige before he could begin his escape. “Hey, it’s 5pm!”

Uninterested, Shige sighed in annoyance trying to find a way around Kusano. “Yeah, so? Don’t you have that date you mentioned before or whatever you said on the phone.”

“Cool, you understood me! But that’s besides the point. The date involves you too, ya know!” Before Shige knew it, he was being dragged by the arms to the nearest izakaya.


Shige swore to make Tegoshi and Kusano grateful for the fact that his apartment was in Shibuya anyway.

After he tossed Tegoshi onto his couch and Kusano to the floor, Shige got himself a glass of water to wash down the taste of alcohol from his mouth. He pulled out his cell phone from his pocket as he ventured back into his living room, stepping over Kusano to get to the couch where he squeezed himself by Tegoshi. He was surprised to see that Massu had called him twice about 2 hours ago. It was already past 1am and returning the call seemed unlikely.

Just as Shige was already tired from just sitting there, he was ready to get up and settle himself in the comfort of his own room. However, it shocked him when a hand was slowly climbing up along his leg. “Don’t kick me, man,” Kusano slurred as he used Shige’s knee to lift him up from the ground.

“Whatever. I’m gonna head to bed, so you can rest beside Tegoshi,” he said, once again bracing to get off the couch.

“He really does like you, you know.” Kusano sat up lazily but hung an arm over Shige’s knees and rested his chin on his forearm to look up at the other.

“But I barely even know him. Besides, what makes you think I’d be interested in a guy anyway,” argued Shige.

A light shrug fell from Kusano’s shoulders as he eyed the sleeping Tegoshi. “He’s a fan of your photos and feels like he’s gotten to know you more and more every time he stops to gaze at them. He would also be happy whenever we see you on the commute. It seems like he’s got a little gaydar in him so it’s like he just knows what you’re into.”

“I see…”

“I’ll admit that I questioned his taste, but you’re not a bad guy. Or rather, maybe it’s just because Tegonyan is just that hard to say no to,” Kusano joked, poking at Shige’s belly.

Shige wasn’t sure which to protest but the thought was done away with when he felt a soft stroke along his arm. He turned to see the sleepy-eyed Tegoshi looking at him hopefully. “I truly like you, Shige, a lot. But, if you don’t like me in return, I guess that’s okay. I’m just happy that I was able to spend even just a little time with you.” He took Shige’s hand into his own and gave Shige the best of his sweet smiles.

A snort came from the sluggish man at Shige’s legs. “Cut the crap, Tegoshi. Just tell him that you wanna screw him.

Tegoshi shot a disappointed pout at Kusano, ignoring the scandalized look on Shige’s face. “Aww, Notti, I was gonna get to that eventually. Why did you have to go ahead and spoil it…”

As the two bickered lightly with each other, Shige weighed his options with the slight help of the light buzz his head was still in. There was nothing he could really lose. He knew it was and pretty much… random, which was the best way to describe the situation at the moment. It was an easy enough conversation in his head to decide. “Let’s do it,” he said suddenly, though a little distantly at first, causing the other two to look at him in wonder. “This is a little strange for me but I’ll do it. But I can’t say I can fully accept your feelings yet, Tegoshi.” A soft chuckle escaped Shige’s smirking lips as he tugged at Tegoshi’s hand to bring him closer. “If I like what I get then it’d be easier for me to decide.”

A proud grin spread on Tegoshi’s face. “That’s fine with me!” He slowly began to crawl his body over Shige’s and neared his face to Shige’s. “I’m never one to disappoint.” Tegoshi planted a teasing kiss on Shige’s lips.

“Oi! Don’t leave me out of the fun!”


The next day, Massu entered the classroom with bread in hand as well as in his mouth. He saw the dead-like form of Shige slumped over the table and carefully approached it. Massu slid into his seat in front of his friend and gently poked at Shige’s head. “Ne, how did it go last night with your cell phone?”

Dead exhausted but not wanting to ignore his friend, Shige struggled to push himself off the table and couldn’t help but cringe and groan slightly at the pain in his head and his back. “Ugh… everything hurts,” mumbled as he rolled his head to the side to try to loosen the tightness of the muscles.

“Wow, that’s the biggest hickey I’ve ever seen, Shige.” Massu stared somewhat wide-eyed at the dark purple-red mark that took up a good one-fourth of the side of Shige’s neck.

“That’s nothing. Look at this one!” Shige lolled his head to the other side to reveal another mark that was almost more than twice the size of the other hickey. He could thank Kusano for that one. “You can’t believe what the hell happened yesterday. Apparently, these two guys-“

“Kato!” Ryo’s voice echoed throughout his near-full classroom as he approached Shige with papers in hand and slapped one down in front of him. With nothing else to say to his student, Ryo turned his head away and proceeded to finish handing out the papers.

With dreaded curiosity, Shige turned over the face-down paper where a big, red zero was glaring at him in the face. “Eh?!? There was a test?! When… what… why…. WHAT?!”

“Ah, Nishikido-sensei gave us a surprise test yesterday after you leave the class early. I think he saw you leaving and he wasn’t very happy about it,” explained Massu calmly with pieces of breakfast in his mouth.

Shige pained himself in continuing to stare at his failed paper, already calculating how much this could hurt his grade. Just as he was about to get up from his seat and go to Ryo, the phone in his pocket began to ring. He quickly picked it up before the ringing could start. “Hello?”

“Yo! What’cha up to, Shige? Listen up, Tegonyan wants to go out for dinner after classes today. Meet us up at the walkway again. Let’s have fun tonight again!”

shigextegoshi, pg-13, johnnys entertainment

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