
May 08, 2009 00:06

Title: Share
Author: Tezawari
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Genre: General
Pairings: ShigexJin
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,255
Disclaimers: These pretty boys are not mine nor are any of the references within the fiction. All characters and references belong to their rightful creators and/or companies that own them.
Summary: Lame summary is: Shige and Jin share and care~?

Jin clicked his tongue at the back of his clenched teeth as he stood in front of the agency building. “Leave it to Taguchi to give me the wrong time...” He dropped the partially finished cigarette to the ground, putting it out with a casual step of his foot while on his trudge inside. He definitely did not know what to do at 7:20 in the morning until 10am, when his meeting was appropriately scheduled to be. It would still be a good long while before he would expect the other members to enter the building and that was if they chose to be early.

Upon walking past the glass sliding doors and into the lobby, a random figure at the couches off to the side corner caught his eye. However, it was the couches themselves that captured his attention instead of the figure. Rather than being stuck in an uneventful dressing room by himself, he figured that he might as well pass the time and people-watch as they entered or left the premises.

He dragged his feet to the solemn-looking corner and dropped himself onto the larger of the 3 couch set-up. It just happened to be that he was adjacent to the one-person seat where it seemed to be inhabited by a sleeping individual. Jin gave a brief glance to the side at the figure only to recognize it eventually as Shige.

The NEWS member was crookedly slumped over on the large arm rest toward Jin’s direction. One bended arm pillowed his face, squishing his full cheeks under his closed eyes while the other arm was supporting the side of Shige’s head but was stretched outward to a point of almost invading Jin’s couch-territory. The KAT-TUN member saw the small iPod that dangled dangerously between Shige’s fingers of the hand that was reaching out towards him with the white ear buds curled messily around Shige to his ears. To prevent the damage and loss of a perfectly nice product, despite how worn and used it looked, Jin carefully slipped the device from Shige’s lose grip. Just before he was about to gently toss it within the barriers of the couch Jin drew it back towards him to see if he read the glowing LCD screen correctly.

Jin turned to look at the younger male that slept beside him. A light chuckle escaped from the back of his throat when the movement on the iPod screen caught his attention again. He was pleasantly surprised to see that this particular song was on repeat as well. He could only imagine how long Shige was here sleeping and had Jin’s ‘care’ playing over and over in his head.

Rather than properly giving the music player back to its owner, Jin let himself stretch out along his large couch and rest his head on the armrest closest to Shige. Keeping the iPod in good distance, Jin hovered the gadget over his face as his thumbs scrolled through the grand list of Shige’s music, careful not to press anything to change the current song that was playing. Jin would stop here and there to read random song titles and artists that he was familiar with, wasn’t familiar with, or could care less about. As expected, he and Shige had quite different tastes in music.

It must have been about 20 minutes of Jin try to see how many of the songs he liked until he realized that the number wasn’t going past 40. He sighed and dropped the iPod over his chest, lost in a blank thought. There was a sudden silence that spread throughout the quiet lobby. It was so quiet that just barely Jin’s ears became fixed on the familiar tune that came from Shige’s ear buds. He knew it would be a risk to the both of them, but he couldn’t help but just increase the volume by 2 notches. His eyes rose up to see if it has disturbed the other but saw no reaction from Shige. Well, it was for the first few seconds or so until Shige’s head nuzzled into his own arm, causing one of his ear buds to fall lose from his ear. Jin was worried for a second but easily became relieved when Shige still continued to sleep. Still, he lowered the volume back down and slid the iPod onto Shige’s lap.

The dangling ear bud swung around in a lonely manner until Jin pushed himself up and slightly over his own large armrest to pick it up carefully. He mimicked Shige’s resting position which allowed a safe distance for him to slip the ear bud into his own ear.

His own voice sang through his head as Jin silently watched the sleeping NEWS member in his new position that brought him a little closer to the other. Jin knew that while they both may listen to different music and produce different music, he found a soft spot for the younger male to know that right now they are listening to the same song. The words, now more distinct to his ears, brought back all the heavy but hopeful feelings that he had every time he would sing or just listen to this particular song. Jin wondered what it meant for Shige and what he took from this song. For all Jin knew, Shige could have just ignored the lyrics and appreciated only the melody.

But, Jin didn’t want to think about it. He was fine sharing this random and absurd moment with Shige of all people. Even he could have his sentimental days.

Before Jin knew it, he found himself softly whisper-singing his own song as he gazed distantly at the floor below him.

‘care’ must have looped about 3 times that Jin still sang along with himself to and in the middle of the following repeat, the song suddenly stopped.

It startled Jin to say the least as he suddenly pulled the ear bud out of his ear and saw a fully awake Shige looking down at the iPod in his lap. Jin definitely did not feel nor hear Shige awaken and how long he had been awake. He noticed how the pair to the ear bud that he had was hanging in the space between Shige’s small chair and Jin’s longer couch.

Shige slowly turned his head to Jin with a gentle smile and Jin just knew that the dark haired male must have been listening to his mindless singing. “Sorry, Akanishi, it ran out of battery.”

“How long… Did you… Were you listening to me?”

The smile never left Shige’s face as he tugged at the cord of his ear buds to wrap it loosely around the drained iPod. “Thanks for sharing your voice with me,” Shige answered simply before lifting himself off from his seat.

“Hey, Kato,” Jin managed before Shige even began walking away as he relaxed over the couch again. “You know, I think even after a few years this will still be a memory between us,” he said turning away from Shige.

A small shrug fell from Shige’s shoulders, his body also facing away from Jin. “Maybe, but I suspect that you already have too many important things to carry with you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you forget this silly memory with someone like me.”

“Believe a little more in yourself, Kato. Why else would I have bothered making it a memory?”

“I’m glad you care so much.”

Even as they parted from each other, they both shared a smile.

Author's Notes: This drabble shouldn't even exist cause I wrote this an hour before I had an exam, but I've been listening to care on repeat like crazy while I've been studying so I couldn't help it. I also couldn't help but somewhat connect it to NEWS' Share too. The phrases in italics, by the way, are altered English lyrics of Jin's care. I have a terrible habit of starting things and never finishing, huh...

drabbles, share, g, johnnys entertainment, shigexjin

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