Don’t Be a Smart Ass

May 16, 2008 00:20

Title: Don’t Be a Smart Ass
Author: Tezawari
Genre: Oneshot, Romance, smidgen of Comedy
Pairings: Taguchi Junnosuke x Kato Shigeaki
Ratings:  NC-17
Word Count:  2,054
Disclaimers: These pretty boys are not mine nor are any of the references within the fiction.
Summary: Shige is paid a visit by Junno at his university. PS. Pre-established relationship.

Author’s Notes: Um… JunnoxShige has always been one of my guilty pairs. I got excited when someone requested that pair in the JE SMUT/KINKI ANON MEME.  So~ whoever requested it~ I hope this was okay. I’ll admit that I wrote this around 4am last night, took an exam, then came back to it. Um… now that school’s ending, I’ll be getting back to those other fics and others that I’m working on! Oh, warning: This hasn't been beta-ed NOR READ OVER. So, I expect that there's a TON of mistake. >.< Please tell me what I need to fix!

Before Kato Shigeaki knew it, he was the last one in his classroom hurrying to finish copying the last bit of notes scribbled on the board. The university student muttered to himself, cursing at his karma resulting in him nodding off to sleep during this class’ lecture. He keeps telling himself to sleep early at night, but the discipline fails him since he has his reasons for being awake into the early hours of the morning.

“How’s the little law student doing?”

Shige didn’t have to raise his head to know whose voice that belonged to. “Don’t bother me. I’m almost done.”

Taguchi Junnosuke, with a grin on his face, entered the classroom and walked until he was directly in front of the board. He let out a thoughtful sound as he gave his try in understanding the many technical terms and concepts the wall in front of him explained. “Ehh~ Shige-chan is so smart.”

The younger male glared through his glasses as the KAT-TUN blocked his view, unhappy about the fact that his education was being disrupted. “Junno, please,” whined Shige while twisting his head from side to side to try to get to the words that Junno’s body blocked.

Junno turned his body around to that he faced Shige, his bright smile contrasting to Shige’s narrow-eyed frown. “Shige-chan is hot when he gives me that look, especially when he wears those glasses.” When the older man saw color rise to Shige’s cheeks, Junno couldn’t help but bring a hint of a smirk to his grin at the way Shige was already so affected by just his words.

“Stop playing around.” Frustrated, Shige threw his pen down into his notebook and stood up from his seat, many rows into the classroom. He swiftly walked down the aisles to meet Junno at the front of the room, looking up at the taller man with his hands on his hips. “Junno, please. I haven’t been able to concentrate, let alone stay awake in class, because of you. Ever since I moved in with you, I’ve been more tired and NEWS has been getting annoyed at my sluggishness.”

A guilty pout crossed Junno’s face as he gazed down at his younger boyfriend. “Is Shige-chan unhappy living with me?”

“I didn’t mean it like that…” With just one look from Junno, it didn’t take long for Shige to feel guilty in return. There were a couple seconds of silence as Shige took that time to think quickly to himself. “It just that…” Shige paused again, worried that the heat he felt rise to his face would appear in color. He then continued, ”… well, I know it’s weird to say but,  we should limit how many times and how long into the night we… make love.” Shige finished his sentence with an obvious flush over his cheeks and his eyes directed downwards in his embarrassment.

Junno gave Shige’s words some thought. However, that didn’t take long before the taller male lunged to his boyfriend and wrapped his long arms around the smaller body. “Yokatta~ I was worried that you wanted to move out or something. I would be devastated!”

Shige sighed in relief and wrapped his arms around the other’s waist in return. “But… are you alright with it? That we sort of… cut down on ‘those kinds of things’?”

The older man leaned his head down to rest his face within the crook of Shige’s neck. “Of course. Anything to make my Shige-chan happy,” whispered Junno, hotly against Shige’s neck. “Besides, we can always squeeze in the fun during random times of the day.”

“Eh? What do you mean?” Shige could almost feel Junno’s lips curve into a small smirk against his skin as a small shiver rode up his spine. A wet and hungry mouth began to kiss and suckle at his neck, making Shige yelp. The sound seemed to echo throughout the empty lecture hall, giving Shige another excited shiver. “Junno! Not here! This is my classroom!”

Junno didn’t seem to care, especially when he had already lifted Shige from the ground and laid his back to rest on the teachers’ desk. The older male continued to play and tease at Shige’s neck as his hands were free to wander across Shige’s body. “Don’t worry,” Junno assured in a whisper as he raised his head to look down at his boyfriend’s face. “We can learn to cut down on our time.”

There were several ways in which Shige can find Junno’s words a dangerous thing and sometimes possibly one of the best things. He couldn’t protest anymore as Shige’s mouth was captured by the other male’s lips in a deep and passionate kiss. However, that couldn’t distract Shige as a hand was pleasantly rubbing his crotch.

There were vibrations between their lip-locking as Junno felt Shige moan softly once he got to tease the younger man between his legs to stimulate him. It didn’t take long for Junno to feel himself gradually getting excited as well. Of all the times he has visited Shige in his university and explored the campus for himself, he has always had fantasies of making love in his boyfriend’s educational institution. He could never tell Shige of those thoughts or else Junno would never be allowed to his school again by Shige.

Shige felt the clasps of his pants come undone and all article of clothing from his waist down slip off from his body. There was a hitch in his breathing at his exposed body under his lover’s dark eyes. He bit at his bottom lip, holding in a moan when a large, warm hand enclosed around his growing erection and began to stroke him. “Ahh… Junno…” Needy, Shige found himself already rising his hips for more.

It thrilled Junno every time when he would watch Shige’s body reacts to his touches. He wanted to see more. Even though it was always early in the game, he knew that there was no time to waste. As one hand was busy stroking Shige’s member, the other rubbed its way over the younger’s sensitive balls and then even lower to Shige’s unprepared entrance.

“Uwah… already…?” Shige’s eyes looked back at Junno’s, whose was smiling back at him. The student felt like he had not been able to let his body get used to the ministrations that teased him and got his senses into the mood.

All Junno did in response was give Shige his charming smile before lowering his head down and take Shige into his mouth. The light-haired male’s eyes ventured upwards just as he saw Shige’s head loll back past the edge of the desk. As the KAT-TUN member’s mouth pleased Shige’s member, Junno’s hand massaged Shige’s neglected sac while the other hand rubbed at the student’s small hole.

“Oh god…” It felt like an all around attack on Shige’s body. He felt like melting all over the table right then and there. Shige shyly combed his fingers through Junno’s light-brown hair and lifted his legs up so that his feet rested just at the edge of the desk, opposite where his head hung off of. There was further pressure at his entrance, making Shige mewl softly.

Junno liked it when his lover made that sound. His tongue swirled skillfully around Shige’s erection, already tasting the pre-cum that oozed from the tip. The finger at Shige’s hole slowly and carefully pushed its way past the ring of muscle, causing Shige to tense and tighten his muscles at the tip of the finger that managed to get it.

No matter how many times it has been, an intrusion is still an intrusion. But, Shige knew that what would be waiting beyond that is what he vies for every time. “Hm… more…” Despite saying that, Shige took it upon himself and shifted his body against the desk, lowering himself onto the finger that penetrated him further.

‘How eager.’ Junno wanted to say, but aside from what his mouth was busy with, he didn’t want to waste any breaths on words. Just as his boyfriend requested, Junno pulled the first digit out of Shige just enough until he added not one, but two more fingers.

Shige took his hands away from Junno’s hair to cover his mouth to keep his groans isolated. He was at the point between the inevitable pain and pleasure with his body becoming so tense with the sensations that ran through him. As the long digits were being pumped into him at a steady pace, the muffled groans transformed into needy moans there were still being silence by his hands.

Junno raised his head and let his hand replace the work of his mouth. He knew it shouldn’t be too long before Shige was going to release and that was something Junno never likes to miss. The hand that stroked Shige grew slicker, harder, and faster as did the fingers that were deep inside of Shige.

There was that familiar pressure building up in Shige’s abdomen that made his legs gently shake with anticipation. The young student, breathing heavily, face on fire, and pleasure filled eyes, gazed up at his older lover. “Jun… no… I’m almost…” Shige inhaled sharply when Junno’s hands only seemed to quicken, but the younger boy shook in his attempt to keep himself from coming. The NEWS member moaned with mixed whimpers as he raised his arms above his head, gripping tightly at the edges of the desk under him, still struggling to control himself. “Junno, what about… I want to… come with you… ah…!”

The other man simply smirked a grin, his eyes hungrily watching Shige’s sex-filled body to its peak just waiting to explode. Junno’s fist pumping persisted already feeling the organ throbbing with need to relieve its pain. With the digits that entered the younger boy’s body, Junno twisted his fingers where the tip of his long fingers grazed against that special spot.

That was the end for Shige. A starry haze clouded Shige’s vision as his whole body trembled violently. Shige threw his head back over the desk, mouth wide open that let out a silent scream, and his fingers clawing at the desk’s tabletop border to keep his body from thrashing about. His lover’s hand aided to coax his body to empty itself into a hot, wet, and sticky mess in Junno’s hand and Shige’s stomach.

An eternity seemed to pass as Shige fought to calm down his intense breathing and bring him down from his climax, which still made him still see stars in his eyes. “Ahh… Junno…”

The older man leaned over his exhausted boyfriend and pressed a chaste kiss on the other’s lips. “You look so cute, Shige-chan. See, that wasn’t so bad. We managed to make it in less than 10 minutes.” Junno gave Shige one of his goofy, cheesy grins.



Junno sighed softly as he slouched in his seat of the train, resulting in Shige’s head tilting to the side and resting against the taller man’s broad shoulder. Even with the rattling of the train car, all that passed through Junno’s ears were Shige’s soft breathing as he slumbered peacefully by his boyfriend’s side. Junno turned his head slightly, feeling the law student’s soft hair brushing against his cheek and under his chin. The sight brought a small, contented smile across his lips as he entwined their fingers together. He gently let his head fall against the top of Shige’s head and patiently waited to be brought to the home he shared with Shige.



“Junno, what about… I want to… come with you… ah…!”

“Ahh… Junno…”

“You look so cute, Shige-chan. See, that wasn’t so bad. We managed to make it in less than 10 minutes.”


At the same time, from their hiding spot behind the tables all the way in the back of the classroom, Tegoshi Yuya and Nakamaru Yuichi slowly turned their heads to face each other with their shocked faces.

Silence was stuck in both their throats until Tegoshi waited for Junno and Shige were out of the room before he spoke.

“So… are you still thinking about applying to Aoyama Gakuin?”

KAT-TUN’s beatboxer gulped nervously and coughed to clear his throat to prompt himself to speak. “I think Waseda is the place for me.”

Author's note: Um... here's something I pulled out of my ass cause... that little extra added scene has been a picture always in my head. Then, I got bored and made this REALLY CRAPPY crop image. My laptop doesn't have photoshop so... this crap was made in PAINT, which should be a crime. I hope to find a prettier picture to be made. ;_;

junnoxshige, oneshot, don't be a smart ass, romance, nc-17, johnnys entertainment

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