Quiet weekend. Sometimes that's nice.
So I took Keigo's advice and called my mother. Surprisingly, we spoke for a long time. Because I cannot do it justice in a summary, I will try to transcribe from the point at which I asked her why she calls me six times a day:
Mother: Because you never pick up.
Me: I pick up once a week.
Mother: You do realize, up until you went to middle school you hardly ever left my side?
Me: I am not a child anymore.
Mother: Silly boy, no matter how old you are, you'll always be a baby to me. The same little boy who hid under my skirt and screamed when your Father's friends came over.
Me: ...Only because he tried to pick me up.
Mother: He was trying to play airplane with you, silly boy.
Me: I did not wish to be played with.
Mother: Regardless, to me that was yesterday. And since you are not always by my side anymore, I need some means to know you are okay.
Me: ...I will pick up twice a week.
Mother: Once a day, unless you'd like me to call more often. Where do you think you inherited your stubbornness?
Me: ...Aa.
So now, I must pick up once a day. At least she promised me she would not keep me on the phone for hours a call.
I am still worried about Genichirou. He still has not said anything beyond that there was an argument involving his nephew.
Also, convinced Keigo to stop ordering portraits and sculptures of himself. It was easier than I thought.