Drabbles. :|

Jul 18, 2006 21:48

I am in pain. I think Ponta-chan did not like those sausages from last night. :| :| :| I will try and write my stress away with drabbles for juicify's challenge.

Title: The Reason
Rating: PG
Fandom: Prince of Tennis, I guess. :|
Pairing: Me/princeofwriting.

You begin by winning a love game. The crowd crackles, oddly quiet, like the low rumbles before the storm. When you win the set, 6-4, they cry your name out.

Ryoma pushes his cap up before serving - just enough so you can see the spark of fire brightening his eyes. The lights, the crowd, everything - they meld into the background, an impressionist’s smear, obscured by the adventure in the curve of his lips.

His smile dares one out of you.

As he throws the ball up, every inch of his body spells mada mada dane.

He takes the second set 6-4 and the third 7-5, and you goes all, like you always do for him, like you have to and need to for him. Absolute exhilaration courses through your body, fierce and raw and desperate - this is the hardest you have ever played in your life. You never want this match to end. You take the fourth set.

Come, Ryoma, you think. Show me your tennis.

You are tied at six all when you realizes that if you don’t end this soon, you will drop from exhaustion. It’s been nearly two hours since the beginning of this set. It's the best feeling.

Across the net, Ryoma is glowing. You don’t think you've ever seen him this happy before.

You don't think you've ever been this happy before either.

Again and always, Ryoma has broken through all of your technique just as surely as you have broken through his - this is tennis at its most pure and instinctual.

This is why you play.

Title: Thirty Meatsticks
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: t.A.T.u.
Pairing: Julia/Lena

Konomi clicked the remote until MTV flashed onto the screen.

"And now for this week's number one video," Carson Daly-san announced. "30 Meatsticks by the foxy t.A.T.u. duo, Julia and Lena!"

Beautiful techno music filled Konomi's residence. On the screen, Julia let Lena push a large sausage past her beautiful, smirking lips. Thirty meatsticks, a blink of an eye, thirty meatsticks to alter our lives ...,

Julia moaned, letting Lena thrust the sausage in and out slowly, letting her saliva build up to a healthy sheen around the meat. This went on for three minutes and twenty-three seconds, until Julia bit the sausage, and smiled.

For our sausage boobala man. faded into the screen.

Konomi realized the error of his ways. t.A.T.u. was indeed the best band of all time, and Tezuka Kunimitsu definitely always semed over Atobe Keigo.

Title: Pregnant Men are Vengeful
Rating: R
Fandoms: Prince of Tennis, Fullmetal Alchemist, My Zone
Pairing: hanamura/androchameleon/Dinosaurs
Warnings: Violence.

Hanamura and Envy were doing careless, perverted things when suddenly they found themselves in the sharp, beak-like mouths of large pterodactyls. The pterodactyls carried them into a swirling, golden whirlwind, and then they were in another universe. In Tezuka Kunimitsu's other universe.

They were dropped thousands of feet to the ground, and the impact made them both impotent for the rest of their lives. They began to scream as a herd of vicious dinosaurs began to stampede towards them.

The velociraptors shrieked in hunger and ate Hanamura's breasts and hands. A T-rex chomped off Envy's lying face.

And then Tezuka got his racket out. He was smiling.


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