(no subject)

Jul 08, 2006 13:07

I am going to Wimbledon. :| With Ryoma. :)

Also. this game is infuriatingly difficult. All of those things come straight into my zone and don't bounce against any walls. :| Most unfair. :|


Title: All The Things He Said
Author: Tezuka Kunimitsu
Rating: R
Pairings: Inui/Atobe
Warnings: Cross-dressing. :|
A/N: Wrote this after I had a most peculiar dream last night. :|

The rain started to fall.

Inui tilted his head up so the rain fell in fat, cold splatters over the lenses of his opaque glasses. " 86.2% chance of thunder. 99.87% chance of this precipitation soaking through our collared shirts to cling at our bare skin, driving us to sexual arousal."

Atobe blinked wet, copper lashes and licked his lips. He shifted a bit from foot to foot, his short schoolgirl skirt angling up just slightly. "What will our teams say if they find out we're together in the rain again, Sada-chan?"

Inui looked away from the sky and into Atobe's eyes. "Our love alliance is at least five times more important, Kei-pi" he murmured, tucking a dark red lock of hair behind Atobe's ear. "I wrote a 500 page manual detailing it."

Such hot, data-implied words set Atobe breathing faster. Inui made him feel like a little princess. "But Shishido might call me lame," he whispered dramatically in a last, futile attempt to resist Inui's man-powers. "All the things he said kept running through my head -- they hurt me. I am so delicate, Sada-chan ..."

"Yes, you are," Inui grunted as he shoved Atobe against a chain-link fence and pinned the smaller cross-dresser down with his Catholic-besmirching, skirted hips. Atobe let out a high pitched whimper as Inui rolled his hips forward a with a perfectly calculated amount of pressure. Inui took advantage of his open mouth and sealed it with his lips and tongue, thumbing Atobe's mole softly as he cupped his face.

Atobe -- wet, trapped between metal fencing and a wall of data and sex, cold and desperate -- shivered until Inui stilled him with large hands on either side of his hips. He broke their kiss to stare at Atobe, to listen to his frantic breath (memorizing increments, angles, expressions and sounds to be put into Atobe Keigo Vol. IV -- however, the 13 hidden recorders would remember for him in case his mental capacities somehow failed).

"Sada-chan," Atobe whined, bucking up instinctively. "Please."

Inui's glasses glinted. One hand slid up Atobe's skirt, the other up his shirt. Slowly, both of them turned to camera #7. "Do you like what you see, Te--"


The End.


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