~ You are only allowed to use the images provided below.
~ You are only allowed to use the textures provided.
~ You can submit up to 2 icons per contestant.
~ Comment with your entries on this post. Comments are screened.
~ Your icons must meet the LJ standards: 100x100 pixels and maximum 40kb.
~ You have to make your icon new.
~ Text, blending and other editing processes are allowed, but brushes and animation are forbidden.
~ Deadline for this challenge is: 8 pm [GMT+1], Friday, November 6th.
[if you don't know what time zone you are in check
Stock - Pumpkins - Halloween
Here is a texture preview and a .zip pack with the actual files.
Also, I included the images in the .zip file, so when the links go nuts they are still available.
The .zip includes the textures of the following artists:
toybirds Preview:
Download .zip [box.net] Enjoy creating art.
With respect,