Wasted Time Post-Script

Jun 24, 2010 15:28

Though I feel like I've made progress in the last five years, I'm a little frustrated at the moment.

2010 is already sort of feeling like a waste because the first half of it has been spent sitting around staring at a particularly cute and charming Yorkshire actor because I'm waiting for us to have enough money to pay off debts and buy a kid. I hate feeling like I'm waiting at an arbitrary red light like that, and I hate that there's really nothing I can do to make more progress toward that next step just yet.

But the cute Yorkshire lad is certainly a nice distraction from that damned red light. And, unlike my previous fandom insanity, I'm not using that distraction to avoid facing Painful Personal Issues. Just to keep from going mental with frustration while I'm waiting for other things outside of my control to happen in their own time.

navel gazing, pop culture

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