Purim Pandemonium 2010!

Feb 23, 2010 13:12

So I realized I haven't posted about this at all, and figured perhaps I should! This Saturday, February 27th is Purim! Everyone, (Jewish or not) should come to Purim Pandemonium! It's basically a dance party at the Jewish Museum of Maryland, located in Baltimore, not far from the Inner Harbor. I was in charge of planning the event this year, and it should be pretty awesome.

This year's theme is "A Night in Noir." Costumes are encouraged but certainly not required. Tickets are $20 at the door, but if you say you're hear from Livejournal, you get the "Friends & Family Discount" of $15 tickets. There will be a professional dj, an open beer & wine bar, non-alcoholic beverages and refreshments. It's from 9pm to 1am. Invite anyone and everyone you know! The facebook event is here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=224143240942

Anyway, yeah. This ends my personal plug of the day :)
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