(no subject)

Oct 12, 2009 11:10

IMPORTANT NEWS: I am flying to Omaha next week for an interview!!! (On their dime, of course) Dudes! I don't even know! But yeah, next week: Nebraska. Wish me luck!

And on to other stuff: Yesterday morning started out with a trip to yet another Farmers Market, this time to ostensibly pick up our CSA share, as our usual person had plans. I got there, and it turns out our CSA ended last week! Not too big a deal, although I did get out of bed before 8am :(. Since I was there, of course I took a few turns around and picked up a few things (produce will forever and always be my grocery budget downfall)! I started out just grabbing a few onions, as I was pretty sure we didn't have enough left at home for everything on today's to-cook list. At the same table I was seduced by leeks (a soup staple!) and grabbed a bunch. Which led me to some beautiful yukon gold potatoes. I also picked up some seconds tomatoes, for use in chili and maybe a cucumber salad. Plus I treated myself to a pit beef sandwich. Swung by the grocery store on the way home to pick up butter (for the chocolate chip banana bread and cheesecake crust) and eggs.Proceeded to make: 2 loaves of choc chip banana bread and added pear butter to one loaf; acorn squash-potato soup; leek and celery root soup (instead of vichysois), carrot dill soup and some delicious pumpkin cheesecake! So the cooking went pretty darn well, the freezer is looking pretty stocked and there's more to come!

In non-kitchen news, a snafu involving early flights and failed technology (thanks t-mobile :/) left Jon and Jess out in the cold at the airport! Sorry guys, but at least they were able to grab a cab home and don't seem to miffed with me!

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