Dec 18, 2004 21:54
Today has been exponentially eventful.
I woke up early this mornin to clear all my shit out of my timeshare place. then... we went to my new crib to unload. It's alright I'm not too fond but that'll prolly pass with time.. although my room has a bright blue wall. not walls, but ONE singular wall is blue, the rest are off-white. so... i'm gonna haveta paint tha bitch. I'm thinkin maybe a tope, or maybe like a fiesta red or stucco salmon or orange I want my room to look like New Mejico If I end up wantin a warm vibe i'll stick with the tope or like an interesting green... all this ramblin and i'm prolly gonna paint the bitch white. It's a slightly bigger sardine can than the previous i think. After cleaning my empty room for a while my bro shows up and him and i are sent to go move shit from the storage place in orange city to my new crib. All the shit that the mover's wont get, him and i had to get. it was cool to hang w/ my bro though. we then were in charge of dinner. Publix saved us... but we don't read instructions and had to eat a really fucked up mashed potatoe thing. after unloading/cleaning we came to my cousin's timeshare for the night. His son is down here for christmas so he took him to Universal today which is nice. 50 first dates is currently being watched by everyone but me right now.I've been listening to copious amounts of coldplay and a splendid secret someone gave me for X-mas, which if they are reading is oh so good!winter is here and stress factors were high recently but right now I'm relle happy for no reason. So I hope everybody else is pretty chill. hmm... i guess i just wanted to update fro shit's sake and if anyone i hung out with last night reads this I'd like to just state, and I'm sure they'll agree that Brian Northington/Mooky Bear is a God amongst men.
-End Transmission-
David X