Recs - Xena(ish)

Jun 09, 2007 20:06

Feel like going through an emotional wringer? Have a lot of time to spare -- say, a weekend? Then you might want to tackle Vivian Darkbloom's Janice/Mel series. (The last story listed at that link, entitled The Fangs of Academe, is not part of the series but is a very good read as well -- very funny.) It's huge and epic and immensely satisfying in so many ways.

I tend to forget that Janice and Mel stories are not technically ubers, that those characters are actually canon. I think it's because authors like Vivian Darkbloom (a.k.a. theholyinnocent) have developed them so far beyond that one episode that they took on a separate life in my mind.

I'm reading Xena and uber stuff again because I've decided to burn all my favourite fic to disc. Everything I've recced here so far will of course be burned, but as I begin to gather stuff to add, I thought it would be a good idea to go back to the beginning. Xena was my first femslash obsession. I was always a bigger fan of uber stuff than fic featuring canon characters (except Janice and Mel, but I've just said that's a grey area for me), so look for a big list of uber recs in the near future.

xena/uber, recs

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