Sitcom Cheese

Oct 22, 2011 16:14

Things I could not make up, #3256:

My friend D had to make a long drive from her home in the Frozen North to visit family in the Southeast. As she says...

Before the real driving started, though… As Dad asked me to, I drove to Paoli to pick up a cheese order from Paoli Cheese, which I am linking to because they are good people and I’d be happy to send some business their way. I walked in, explained my errand, was handed a paper bag, put same in the cooler I’d brought along, and that was that.

Except that it wasn’t what Dad had ordered. It was-I know this sounds like a bad sitcom, but Li can aver it’s the truth-ten tubs of Limburger cheese spread. I did not discover this until long past when I could feasibly rectify it. Fortunately, Paoli Cheese discovered it and Fedexed Dad his order in plenty of time. What to do with the Limburger, he asked? KEEP IT, they said.

Um...ten points to Paoli Cheese for customer service?

Anyway, by way of averring her statement, I have a tub of limburger cheese spread (still unopened) in my fridge. D. tells us "It's not horrible...but I think it's edible at least."

D. is a much braver person than I am. Or a less-picky eater. Or, more likely, both.
So, if you're in my general vicinity and would like a tub of not-horrible Limburger cheese spread, let me know. Free to a good home.

Or any home, really.
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