http://wailakhite.tumblr.comNot to say that I won't post in this, but you can mobile upload on tumblr! I'm sure you can do that on this too but I'm lazy. I still can't get my full iTunes and my internet is so bad I can barely facebook chat let alone Skype, LOVE IT. I did no homework today; I am on the right track. I am starting to be less miserable here, which is nice. I just kind of float on alright. Nick hates music and he really liked the cd I made him, which makes me really happy. If there was a job called Mix CD Maker I would get it in a second, which would be nice since I has no moneys. As You Wish actually isn't hiring, and idk if I want to drive to Aveda all the time.
I miss my baby. Don't go achangin
I still cry almost every time I leave my house but I keep forgetting to put new tissues in the car, it's getting gross
Yiddle brudder is 13 now and has a cell phone and it's so fun. "Baby come back..." <3333
Things to do: Go to tucson, go to flagstaff, get a job, figure out which neighbor is bulimic, drop off bulimia letter, buy cats cookies, study for midterms, get my first splitcam roll developed, have a good time have a good time.