I'm celebrating the return of my internet with a little list. Here goes.
I think that your fanfic addiction has reached epic and unsafe proportions when:
- Your sister refers to your notebook with printed fic (for traveling) as your "Book O' Porn"
- You and your similarly obsessed coworker have to use code words to describe your latest fave and plot bunnies, because, you work with children!
- You can't stop discussing/thinking of said plot bunnies, even though, as mentioned above, you work with children!!!!
- Your first thought when your internet goes out isn't "Damn, how am I gonna pay my rent which is due tonight?!!?", it's "Noooo!!!! I hadn't saved that new fic yet! There was Hot Sex!! Someone ate ass!!! What will I do?!"
I'd like to think that this PSA might have saved a newbie, otherwise, I'm kinda preaching to the choir here, huh?