Jan 09, 2006 05:22
christmas break was overall pretty damn good. unfortunately i wasnt able to see everyone i wanted to as much as i wanted to, but overall not to shabby.
new years was fucking awesome. unfortunately i was out partied by mr manjella, so i went over there for the actual new year, and then afterwards i felt guilty so i stopped by james jc's to cap it off. both were excellent.
first annual hangover bowl was sweet. we kinda made a new format for how the game should be played, and it definately was what was needed to kick start the new year.
i pretty much disappeared for a week due to working overnight sunday thru friday.
then friday night... CANADIA!!! (happy birthday to heather) canadia was freakin sweet. only lost like $100 at the casino... only. haha. then went bar and club hopping, and ended up at cheetahs. where i had the emcee announce heathers birthday over the loud speaker, and i bought her a body shot (off a stripper, not me). me, don and flipp definately peer-pressured heather into smoking a cuban, and ended up buying her one that she smoked herself (for the most part). yay for corruption. then back at the hotel room we watched this "porn" where it had the story of the hockey player... pretty much it was long and drawn out (like most pornos with a plot), and she takes her shirt of (no boobs, pov is her back) then all of a sudden she throws her arms up and shouts "Goal!". and end movie... what the fuck, a porno with no porn, wt-fucking-f. so then we went down to the casino to try to win some money, but didnt work out the way we planned. so we just went back to the room and bought a terriblely funny $15 porno. during which matt (while refering himself in the third person) called the play-by-play while he was sleeping/trying to go to sleep/laying down (in other words not watching the tv.)
came home saturday, slept till about 9ish. got some excellent pizza from this amazingly adorable girl that works at little ceasers. then went over to james and j.c's for the night. james's brother is kick ass. watched the most intense game of madden ever. then worked today from 5am to 2pm, and after that... went to the redwings game with my parents and j.c. although we ended up losing (its the curse of the black guy, every sporting event we go to we lose ,coincidense? i think not), the game was still sweet as hell. especially when its the third row at center ice.
randomly woke up at 530am, thought my clock said 630 so i was like, hey not to bad, but nope, only 530, even when im completely dead and havent gotten more than like 5 hours of sleep over 3 nights, i still cannot sleep for 8 hours.
overall, the break was awesome, school starts thursday, schedule is pretty tight, and history with kady should be a blast.