A not so detailed post about the technology in Texhnolyze

Sep 09, 2005 02:55

This is in reply to staticxcc comment to my post. Thought I would share my reply.
QUOTE staticxcc:
I was.... not sure about the ending. everybody says that everything ended. and indeed, it did look like that was so. but didn't "that guy" (sorry, having a brain fart here) say that he made all these people into full fleged cyborgs to preseve them for the next stage of human evolution or somesuch? or did they just... go away? I wasn't entirely clear on that one point.

My reply:
First, I'm sorry if I got the names mixed up...I watched the English dubbed Animax version...tsk...*wants a Japanese copy desperately*

On to my reply to staticxcc...

Texhnolyze technology has these energy bulbs/source stuff (please look at the last episode wherein Ichise gets something from a rooted cyborg who was asking Ichise if he'll pass by and talk to him again...)Ichise inserts this "energy source" and we can see that Ichise's little device near his hip seems to charge up a little...

Kanou (the blue-hair guy) or was it someone else (doesn't remember) did say that the purpose of Texhnolyze was to make them live forever...(or was it that cyborg guy who was rooted who said it...) I forgot who said it...-_- Anyway, if you'll look at the scene, all of the Texhnolyzed people by Kanou were rooted on the ground...or where they were standing, so even if they did last for a long time, they are just stuck there...

Another is that, the Texhnolyzed people were dependent on some sort of energy source (such as the one that Ichise got from the talkative cyborg guy) so think of it as a battery, it will run out soon...those Texhnolyzed people will die soon...Plus the Obelisk at the middle of Lukuss/Lux was another energy source for Texhnolyze...

Aside from that, Texhnolyzed people needs to be maintained. The doctor woman is dead, and so is Kanou...so there's really no evident person who will maintain Texhnolyzed people.

Also, look back at that leader of one of the organizations (the big guy, I forgot his name -_-')....the leader of the Salvation alliance(?) or was it called the Union? (Animax dubbing sucks)

He said that he discovered the TRUTH about Texhnolyze, so he removed his shirt. We saw that his upper body seemed to be rotting away. So Texhnolyze technology eats up the body overtime, or maybe he just lacked maintenance since Texhnolyze technology was originally for rich people...if I remember correctly what was said in the first episode.

Attaching cyborg parts to a human body will have an effect overtime, so it's safe to assume that Texhnolyze technology wasn't really 100% everlasting since the fact that Texhnolyze only works inside Lukuss/Lux. Hence, the doctor woman changed Ichise's arm and leg when Ichise was about to go ABOVE ground.

Raffia(is this the correct spelling?) is the material that can only be found in Lukuss/Lux which is used to connect cyborg parts to a human body and make it work perfectly. Think of it as a medium so that the human body will not reject the cyborg/texhnolyzed body part. (*Note: Human bodies mostly rejects alien connections...naturally* So think of Raffia as a medium to make connective tissues and nerves work with a cyborg body part...)

Kanou or was it his assistant, did mention that Texhnolyze does have its side effects. Look at that episode wherein one of the Texhnolyzed people (a former member of Organo) was reporting to Kanou...He asked Kanou why he was having some pain (?) [arrghhh...I need to re-watch it...in Japanese...huhuhuhu...) and Kanou replied, "Of course, it does have it's side effects." (or was it the other guy, Kanou's assistant who said it...huhuhuhu...copy...I need...one...)

So everyone underground in Lukuss/Lux, were just waiting to die...(Most of the people who weren't Texhnolyzed were killed either by Ichise when he went rampaging over Onishi's death, or by the Texhnolyzed army of Kanou...I think...it's safe to assume...since we don't see anyone walking aside from Ichise in the last episode...)

In the last scene, we see Ichise holding out his broken Texhnolyzed arm, a white flower reminiscent of the flowers that Ran used to guide Ichise whenever he is down, coming out from it. Like a visual projection. We see him smile, and we see him close his eyes.

I guess that light came from the last of the Texhnolyze's energy pack (the battery like stuff he got from one of the rooted Texhnolyzed guys...)

That light was like the last surge of Ichise's hope...he was able to project an image of a flower using his Texhnolyzed body part...So we can assume, it was his last energy surge, the last thing, he was able to give out/to do before he slept eternally...

Above ground...people there are just dead...(refer to the hidden episodes...the ones that happened ABOVE ground...)

Anyway, here's a comment to a post that will reveal the real truth that was lost in the translation and dubbing...Real explanation to the world of Lux part 01, part 02

Real explanation to the world of Lux part 01

Just to clear up a bit about Kano, who seems to be giving people trouble.

(I blame this on the VERY poor translation, many errors even in the official release. Thank god I speak Japanese.)

Kano's idea is eternal life in pursuit of beauty, in particular molding your surroundings according to an aesthetic. He is has the personal sophistication that Onishi and Ichise lack.

Specifically, he tells Onishi that the attempts to balance Organ are senseless because they based on too much compromise. He sees Onishi as not having any sort of vision or aesthetic, instead he's someone who just tries to accommodate everyone in harmony. As Kano says in his 'painting' speech when he invades Onishi's mind, you cant create an artistic masterpiece by compromising your ideals and letting everyone have an equal say. Thus, Kano finds Organ to be futile, ugly and transient. He does, however, admire Onishi's ability to be a leader who is able to manipulate people by way of charisma.

Something COMPLETELY lost in the episode 21 translation is the explanation of what the two-headed statue is. When talking to Ran, Kano explains that the statue is his mother. His actual family is a bloodline of infertile women (those old women) who used the statue as a surrogate womb. Thus Kano refers to them as his mothers and the statue as his sister(s). He now has an obsessibe and passive-agressive relationship with the statue. He explains to Ran that he was born as the overmind that contains the world and thus has no need for anything else, for any real people or family or connections to the outside world.

Finally, the ending. What people miss is that Kano tells Ichise the world they are in is an illusion. Lux is the world inside Kano's mind, all the characters are figments of human nature. Lux is the bowels of the subconsious, the pit of raw humanity. Kano tells Ichise that they are free from the constraints of reality and genetics because Kano himself has come into Lux, and made his very existence a part of it exclusively. This is why Kanno came to Lux to escape from death, and the reason why the written text throughout the series in dreamlike and unreadable. Kanno atop the Obelisk is looking at the chaotic abyss of his own mind. The people of Lux could live forever if only they could escape insanity. Kanno and humanity are doomed to madness by their very nature. In the end, when Ichise kills Kanno he is esentially killing himself. That's why Kanno says to Ran that destroying Lux would mean destroying himself, and Ran is imagination itself. She is theoria, the divine spark that the Theonormals outside all lack.

Real explanation to the world of Lux part 02

Just to clarify: I think one of the main points, as exemplified by Kano and his world, is that our human potential is limited only by our imagination, but our imagination itself is doomed to madness and ultimately extinction and death. That's why Ran (imagination) is the source of everyone's insanity. The subtlety of the series lies in the uncertainty: are the ramifications of Ran and her sight set in stone, and is Kano really the sanest of them all? The point being made, I think, is that it makes no difference either way. Humanity will set itself along the same course either way.


Also, read this post by naoekun...

Hope this somewhat helps on the technology part...

Still haven't drawn anything yet...I'm still in slump mode cause of what happened to me in college...so I can't draw beautiful Ichise...and Texhnolyze characters...also, I still haven't posted my thoughts/review about Texhnolyze...

Slump slump go away...or rather...Mean people who destroyed my life...GO AWAY!!! >_<

Cross-posted to my Journal
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