In the course of this morning, my dad and I have discussed starting yet another new company which would buy and resell electricity, I have been unofficially transferred, possibly been given a promotion and been told to sign up for a training class in Chicago the week of August 9th.
The conversation with my new boss went like this:
New Boss: Well I'm not allowed to tell you the future, but I need you to go to this conference in August and it's coming out of my budget.
Me: So the transfer that we had talked about is going to happen.
New Boss: I can't confirm or deny that but hopefully by the time you go to this conference some things will have changed.
So I'm staying at the Palmer House Hilton which is said to be in the heart of the "LOOP" and by all means I must be in the Loop, I cant stand to be out of the loop.
So I must make plans to take out miss
lawgeekgurl get her drunk and promise to play in a golf tournament with me, whilest I show her pictures of the cutest most chubby baby evah...or we can discuss shoe potential at the very least.
Oh and we took BabyWook to see her first movie ever last week, Farenheit 9/11. She did really good until the end, but she had a dirty diaper and the movie chain didn't have changing tables in their bathrooms. So I'm getting ready to write a really nasty letter to the movie company.
She did much better at the second movie we went to watch (Shrek 2) which was considreably shorter and much more tuned to her attention span.
I believe that is all.