Jan 09, 2011 21:05
A 9 year old child who wanted to learn about government went to a meeting at the shopping center 5 minutes from her home and ended up with a bullet in her chest, and people on every side of the political realm are using it as an excuse to continue spreading hate.
Why can't we just say, "I never wanted this to happen, and I will look at what might have been misinterrpreted by the insane person, and I will correct it?" Why can't we do that?
The Tea Party is screaming that the shooter in Arizona is a liberal. The non-Tea Party people are pointing to the ads by the Tea Party that use military terms and images as targeting opponents. Everyone is screaming the other one is wrong.
You are all wrong.
If you spread hate, you are wrong.
If you aren't mature enough to disagree over the issues without spreading hate, lies, gossip and pure bitterness, you aren't mature enough to elect a leader. I don't care if you're 95 years old.
Do I think the Tea Party having shooting contests as fund raisers and making maps of crosshairs aimed at opponents is fueling insanity. Yes, I do. I think it is wrong. Does that make me an insane communist? No, actually, I'm a very conservative individual.
Do I think the people who represent the Tea Party would have wanted this to happen?
No, I don't. Doesn't mean the ads don't need to be apologized for.
Do I think that some liberals are rabidly angry at the government?
Sure. So are some conservatives, and some moderates. Young people and old people, people of every race, every gender, every sexual preference and every religion contain someone who is angry, but they aren't angry enough to shoot innocent people, or even not-so-innocent people.
Do I think the shooter in this case was a liberal or a conservative? I think he was insane.
He read communist books, but he bragged about the US military.
He spouted constitutional support, but he also spouted hate for the government.
Was he conservative? Probably not. He apparently smoked pot and read communist books.
Was he a liberal? No. Actually he was not. He carried guns, he quoted the constitution, and he shot at Democratic leadership. Not something the average liberal does.
He was insane.
But that doesn't mean others were not wrong.
It doesn't mean the rhetoric doesn't need to be stopped and toned down.
It doesn't mean we don't have to stop pushing each other away.
When we point fingers at one another and talk about hate, when we spread lies and gossip about people - we are the problem. We encourage the people who are insane enough to take a gun to a town-hall meeting and start killing 9 year old children and 76 year old ministers and congresswomen and federal judges every time we approve of their hate.
Why can't we learn to say, "I'm sorry?"
Why can't we learn to say, "I am angry at this action and this proposal, but I never wanted physical harm to come to anyone."
Why can't we agree to disagree?
All of my life I've heard how proud this country was of freedom of speech.
Now there is no freedom of speech because speaking results in becoming a target of hate.
It has to stop people.
Please, if you love this country, or God, or anyone else in this world, stop fueling the hate.
I'm a huge fan of George Martin books, and I look at my country today and I wonder if we're becoming one of his novels. Are we becoming so divided over who gets to sit on the throne that we destroy the nation in the process?
Please, spread tolerance. Spread love.
It is what Christ would have wanted. I know because He said so.
tea party.,