My Tivo crashed last month.

Aug 16, 2007 21:32

So not fun, but I upgraded the hd. I was tempted to get a super huge hd, but with money being spent left and right on the house, I just went with a little one. We rarely tivo movies, so we always did fine with our old 40hr tivo. So with my constant needing to be up at ungodly hours, I've been recording anything and everything. I'd tivo'd The Kill Point, something I wouldn't normally be interested in, but hey, it's got Donnie Wahlberg in it, so what the heck. And I'm watching it, thinking, 'he's looking really old'. So I was figuring out how old he is (38 tomorrow) because I'm still able to remember when his birthday is. Which gets me to thinking about how old I am and how the fact that I'm still able to remember the birthday for my 14 year-old boyband crush (and most likely all his bandmates' birthdays and name all of his siblings) just is too sad/pathetic/weird for words. And that's what I think about at 3:00 am when I really want to go to sleep but I'm channeling my animagus form: a cow.
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