So there's little Spot. Only, not so much a spot now. More like a fully formed baby, only in miniature. Extreme miniature. I have another ultrasound next month because they didn't see everything they wanted to, but they saw enough to know it's a boy. Although how they can tell is beyond me. Everything seems to be good so far though.
The fact that it is a boy though is why I wanted to find out this time. We didn't the last two times, and I actually prefer it that way, but I figured there would be enough emotions (and there are) that this is one we can take care of early. Does that make sense?
Also, yesterday after the ultrasound, the little girl & I went and had a pedicure. After sitting and letting our toes dry, I got up and walked out. Without paying. !!! I am such a ditz. It wasn't until 2 hours later that I realized I hadn't paid. So I called the salon and gave them my credit card number. But I can't believe I did that. I just wasn't thinking. Just how much of a blonde can I be and still blame it on the pregnancy?