Aug 27, 2009 23:27
School has started for the semester and it's kind of odd that I'm not doing anything to prepare for classes. Working at a department store, I get nostalgic for things like backpacks and paper and cute folders and spirals to take to class. Though, I've not bought folders, or even a backpack, in years, it doesn't mean I don't miss the school supply shopping days. It always made me excited for school. And then, the night before class, the butterflies in my stomach would keep me up for hours. But, then school would start and I would remember that I hated being there, but went
My roommate and our good friend are going to class this semester. It's funny because our friend is worse than I am when it comes to school. She writes her schedule on random sheets of paper and doesn't check the syllabus until the day before homework is due. It's hilarious and I'm a little sad that I missed out on going to school with her.
What I'm not sad about, is the fact that I am an official graduate of the University of Texas at Austin. Official. I honestly thought that would never happen. Hell, y'all were there when I thought I completely bolloxed the whole thing up in the spring. That was not one of my best moments.
I don't have my diploma yet. Actually, to be honest, graduating in the summer is a bit anticlimactic. I only took classes during the first session, so I was done two months before I actually graduated. Nothing even special happened on the 17th. It came and went and I even forgot to update my facebook status to read that I was an official graduate. I think I had to work that day and it slipped my mind. Doesn't mean I'm not proud of myself though.
What did I learn? I'm not really sure. I think I'm more aware of my writing habits, and I finally got to read Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre (I really only like the latter of the two), but that's about it. I'm not telling my parents this. It would seem like a waste of money. Except for the fact that I can now get a job that requires a degree.
I had been searching and searching for jobs for what seemed like forever, only to realize that that was one thing I should not have procrastinated on. I'm lucky to have a co-worker who works for the Department of family and protective services and told me they were hiring, but they were on a freeze until recently. I interviewed with them the other day, but I did not come out of there feeling like I did a good job. It was one of those interviews that you're not sure what you would have changed, but just know you could have done better. Though, I did have to write up a sample of a report and I'm pretty sure I did everything I was taught not to d; I'm sure there were a few awkward sentences in there that made it all too confusing. But I'll find out in a couple of weeks whether or not I got the job. I'm not holding my breath, that's for sure.
So, here I am, still stuck in Hell a.k.a. Kohl's. I hate that place, and everyone there knows it. And being so close to somewhere else is not helping. Sometimes I wish I could just quit, knowing that I would be able to get something else quickly, but I know that's not how it works, so I stay there. I'm actually considering staying there part time after I finally get a real job, just to see some of the people who work there.
As for my social life, it's better than usual. I got in trouble for doing stuff on my own. Now that I have girly-girl friends, I'm not allowed to not ask for company if there's a chance for it. It interrupts the thoughts of an introvert sometimes, but they usually turn out to be good company.
The most important thing I'm doing: P90X. I've never stuck with any kind of workout regime for this long, and it's only been a week and a half. I'm liking it though. I'm already impressed with the progress I'm making. Granted, my clothes aren't fitting me better yet, but I have more stamina now. It's a great workout though and I feel better just for doing it. Now, if I could only work on eating better. That's the truly hard part. I still eat cookies and McDonald's. It's truly horrible. Maybe I'll start working on that.
The last thing, and if Ella's reading, the most interesting thing: a co-worker of mine keeps trying to have sex with me. Ha. I don't know whether to be surprised that I've not given in or not. Sometimes I'm tempted. But it would just be so weird. We get along great, but I've never been attracted to him. And the thing is, we both kind of have this rule about not dating co-workers, so it would just be sex. That's not really how I want it to be for the first time. But if I get a new job, well, then I don't know.
I wanted this to be a little more introspective and emotional, but I've never been able to write like that. Makes me a little sad, because how else is this supposed to be interesting? Just writing details of someone's life isn't as good as describing how they felt about what happened. I need to start reading the dictionary. I need more adjectives. *shrugs*