I'm baffled. Just baffled. I had one trick question on my quiz that I knew if anyone was going to get it right, it was going to be my internet friends. I need to find more time to talk to you lovely ladies online and fill you in on things about me so you will get these questions right. Especially the last and only trick question...hehe.
Here are the answers to the questions because I can't wait to see if anyone else is gonna take the quiz (I doubt anyone else will).
My favorite movie:
I only recently saw The Boondock Saints, and it made me sorry that I hadn't watched it sooner. It's an amazing movie and I love, love, love it!
My best feature:
I love my hair. I'm incredibly vain about it.
My middle name:
I never asked why it's my middle name, but I figured it was because it's my mom's first name: Rose.
My dream car:
I love Porsches. I want a Porsche!!!!!
What would I save from a burning house:
It should probably be my phone, but I can get my parents to buy me a new one. They would also buy me a new laptop since this one hates me. I don't know if they would buy me a new Harry Potter British set; it's my most prized possession and I don't let anyone touch them....hehe
My favorite Twilight character:
She's cute and funny and I want to be just like her (without the love of designer clothes): Alice
My favorite HP book:
Harry and Ginny get married!!!...in Deathly Hallows
My favorite HP character:
I'm in love with Harry. Always have been and always will. No one will ever compare to him. ;)