
Oct 07, 2008 23:14

it has been quite a while since i even looked at this website. lol kinda crazy.

well first thing's it really is a whole lot different than high school. i mean like  A LOT. there are massive amounts of students in a class, one of my classes has like 225 people. it's crazy. i'm sure it's nothing compared to other campuses like UT or Baylor. anyway, i like it. the one class that doesnt have like 2342340980 people (besides band) is this first year seminar class. it's like a class that helps you "adapt" to the college way of studying and stuff like that, there are like 25 people in that class and they're all so cool. the only thing that could make this better would be some more people there that i knew.  i mean making friends is a fun thing and all but like i miss everyone from high school. lol. and the thing with my friends that are still in high school, i'm not as close to them as i used to be. pretty much because i dont see them as often. i think that's pretty much why grace and i broke up, besides the part that i could never do anything during the summer. anyway, i miss those guys, all of them. but hey i have some new friends and they are friggin cool. the main friends i have are two girls named marissa and emma. they are both so fun to be around. marissa is my bad buddy who plays horn as well. i talk to her mostly through text messages, which is like a second language to her. she friggin texts like 2340328 words a minute. and emma is just a friend that i met in my information systems class. she asks me for help every now and then, and i try to help as best as i can. but yeah, i pretty much spend most of my time getting some work done on the computer.

secondly, i kind of wish that life would be simple right now in some areas. like if i could just get in the mind of some people then dang life would be so much friggin easier. just to know what they're thinking. ugh, i cant wait for that to happen to me. heh.

oh yeah i'm trying out for crossmen ( I really hope it works out.

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