The desire to punch someone....

Apr 03, 2009 12:13

Have ya'll seen the new PSA that Kiera Knightly did?

image Click to view

I thought it was quite well done, and I hope that the campaign works. My first ever legal job was working at the Houston Area Women's Center as a legal advocate for battered women, and I really understood that this sort of crap happens at all income levels, education levels and societal levels. Drawing attention to it, I very strongly believe, helps women stop the cycle of violence.

Anyhow, so I'm checking out my various newsfeeds this morning, and I see this post on Jezebel: Today on Good Morning America we learned that some people don't like Keira Knightley's anti-domestic violence ad because it was too ugly and violent - not unlike domestic abuse!

Though anchor Chris Cuomo points out that the leading cause of injury for women is domestic violence, advertising executive Jerry Della Femina doesn't think we should actually have to watch a man kicking Knightley in the PSA. "Couldn't they just show his face as he's kicking? No you had to see it," said Femina. He goes on to suggest that the people who made the ad just wanted to win an award, adding, "I don't think it's going to help anybody."
The clip is on the post, so you can watch this asshole wax eloquent on how we shouldn't push anyone's delicate sensibilities.

Fuck you Jerry Della Femina. The whole point of the PSA is to shock, disturb, and make people want this sort of thing to stop. Fading away from reality is why we're in this mess in the first place. People get killed all the time in our popular entertainment, and this is what goes too far? I suppose you think that those Very Special Episodes that no one watches are more appropriate? (BTW, I hated, hated, hated the Buffy episode Beauty and the Beast, because it was so ham fisted. It was the first Buffy episode I actively disliked.)

And fuck you, Good Morning America. Why hell are letting an advertising executive be the arbritor of what's appropriate and what's not appropriate? These assholes create the lines. They shouldn't be looked upon to tell us how we should feel about those lines.

women's issues, media

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