Nov 11, 2008 11:29

Baby Mac, the elephant, died on Sunday at the Houston Zoo. He had a viral infection and the death was sudden and unexpected. He didn't start exhibiting symptoms until Sunday morning. Graham had actually heard about his illness on Sunday, and we talked about going to see him to cheer him up next weekend. After the Zoo officials administered anti-viral medication, he appeared to be responding well. But, apparently it wasn't enough, and he died that night.

His mama and aunt spent the night with his body in mourning.

Mac was an awesoeme elephant. When Graham and I went to see him in February, he was horsing around with one of his aunts. She was taking a nap, and he kept harrassing her by throwing hay on her. And then he got on top of her. We must have spent half an hour just watching him, and he seemed to enjoy all the attention he was getting. I got some good pictures of him that day.

Mac was popular all around Houston. He'd been named by an internet contest, and he was the biggest elephant born in captivity to date. Hundreds of people went to see him every day, and he had a blog on the Houston Zoo website. The video of him playing is ridiculously adorable. He was just over two years old when he died.

Apparently elephant herpes is quite common, but no one knows how to detect it early. I didn't realize that it was such a rapid onset, but apparently recently weened baby elephants are especially susceptible.

Mac's mama is pregnant again, in the early stages. So in a year or two, we'll hopefully have another baby elephant at the zoo. That little big one will have quite a shadow to fill.

things that suck

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