May crazy

May 08, 2008 11:48

I'm in crazy mode right now. As usual, I'm gearing up for the art car parade on Saturday, and I'm wearing multiple hats.

One of those hats is that of art car artist. I spent about two hours re-glittering the piano in such a way that Liberace would be proud. I was pretty much covered in polyuruthane and glitter, and at some point, my friend Buttery referred to me as the Glitter Goddess. I went through more than half a can of polyuruthane and 20 dollars worth of glitter. But it's shimmy and shiny and no one is going to miss it. Incidently, the coffee scrub my mom gave me a few years ago for Christmas or my birthday or something is phenomenal for getting polyuruthane off your hands.

The other hat is co-chair of the VIPit party. As I type, dozens of boxes full of crap are arriving at my house, and for the next two days various members of my extended family will be mindlessly filling canvast tote bags with that crap to hand out to the VIPit guests. Experience tells me that this sort of thing takes a lot longer than anyone would think. I suspect we'll get a lot of television watching done.

On top of that, I'm going to Flipside in two weeks, and I haven't even begun to start thinking about it. Flipside is a regional Burning Man event outside of Austin, and since a lot of our friends are coming in from California, we're doing a lot of the leg work. I have no idea of what costumes I'm going to throw together for it, I have no idea what sort of food we should plan for, and I'm sort of thinking about the whole thing later rather than sooner.

And of course, there's the triathlon and an attempt to get as much training as possible in between now and 31 days from now. There's also my birthday, my dad's birthday and a variety of parties and other obligations thrown in just to make things interesting. I was sort of hoping that I'd be able to swing another Bay to Breakers trip this year, but with all the other crap, I'm just hoping to make it to June more or less intact.

art, vroom vroom room, burning man, party

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