fa-la-la-la LA-la-la-la

Dec 02, 2005 11:20

gttygrl's link to hunky Santa at the Beverly Center disturbs me.

It's weird that I haven't been to LA in nearly two years. I think I'm beginning to forget how weird that place can be.

When I was in college and law school, I used to wear my Santa hat the week of finals. Sort of a mini-trademark. I found it a few days ago when I was putting a hat away*. Maybe I'll start wearing it again next week.

I forgot about the new 100 icon limit for LJ and realized last night that I have 51 spaces. Woo hoo! I searched for more pinup images, found a bunch I liked (including a bunch of Christmas pinups), but the program that I was using before to annotate and make icons came with my old camera. I'd just assumed that my new camera software had a similar capability. I ended up having to download the free version of photoshop, and I'm hoping that works. I'll play around with it this weekend.

Oh, and attention those who are panicked, because it appears to be an issue of national concern and/or crisis: I am not warring with anyone over Christmas, unless, of course, it's over a parking space at Highland Village or the Rice Village or 19th Street in the Heights, and then the gloves are off.

I'm bored, and I have stuff to do but I don't really want to do it. It's supposed to get to 80 degrees tomorrow, setting some sort of record. Then a cold front comes through and we're back to normal (for us) temperatures. The news from Chicago, weather-wise, is beginning to freak me out. I did ok when I was there last week, but I'm not sure that the week between Christmas and New Year's will be as kind to me. I left a bunch of my heavy sweaters up there, and I'll be bringing more when I go up again.

*I have dozens and dozens of hats. I rather like wearing them, though in the last few years, my hair has been too short for a lot of them. I'm growing my hair out a bit to remember why I cut it all off in the first place.

It occurs to me that I've been using the footnote a lot lately. Hmm.


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