A note to my brother

Mar 01, 2005 10:40

Der Pooches
Relámpago likes to have water at night. Make sure that his bowl in the bedroom (next to my vanity) is full before you go to bed, and he won’t have to wake you up in the middle of the night to insist that you water him. He’ll also head to bed earlier than everyone else, but you might want to suggest a trip outside first so he doesn’t wake you at five in the morning.

Send Crianza out again a second time about ten minutes after she comes back in the first time. If the weather is nice, I generally just leave the back door open for them to go in and out.

I usually lean the baby gate against the door frame between the kitchen and the bedroom when we go to sleep at night to prevent nocturnal wandering. I also lean the baby gate against the door frame between the kitchen and the living room. When I wake up, I send the pooches outside and give them free reign of the kitchen and bedroom and outside while I get ready for work/doze.

Crianza may try to sleep on your head. Push her off, unless, of course, you want her on your head.

The pupperoni is in a canister in the kitchen. I just opened a new pack, so you should be good. I usually give it to them right as I’m leaving to get Crianza into her box.

Relámpago may put off peeing and will probably put off shitting until you take him on a walk in the morning. You don’t really need to go very far, just enough for him to sniff around and take care of things.

If it is raining, Crianza will go outside if you tell her to enough times. (“Go pee” usually gets results.) Relámpago will not unless you drag him out on his leash to the boxwood right next to the front porch. I can stand on the porch and hold his leash while he pees and not get wet. Warning: He will bitch about it.

Vet is Sunset Boulevard Animal Clinic. Crianza’s vet is Dr. Garrou and Relámpago’s vet is Dr. Young.

Don’t leave them for more than 9 hours. A dog’s gotta pee.

If Holden comes over, do a quick sweep of the house to find all of Crianza’s toys and put them so Holden can’t destroy them. Save the moose! You are aware of Holden’s couch peeing issues.

If Zapata comes over, make sure that the blinds in the living room are closed and he can’t get into the TV room to bark at the world. You’ll have to push the speaker in front of the door to the living room, because he can push it open.

For all sorts of entertainment, you might want to fill the bird feeder on the tool shed. Feed is inside the tool shed. Keep the door open and every now and then yell “bird!” (in the same sort of voice you’d use to yell “squirrel”) and Crianza will go tearing out at full speed.

Other stuff:

I’m expecting the AC adapter for my computer to arrive at some point. I’m also expecting a delivery for my Voyeur outfit. Usually the mail/UPS people leave smaller packages between the screen and front door and larger packages behind the post on the porch.

Netflix are Ray, Collateral and Disc 3, Season 1 Arrested Development. They’re on the dresser next to the TV.

Thermostat is in the living room. It’s on heat right now, though lately it hasn’t really been running that much. It turns off during the day, but it may get a little cold at night and you may want to mess around with it.

Don’t delete any of the Tivo stuff. I think you’re probably more caught up than I am on Battlestar Galactica and Lost. Good news! There’s a new Tivo feature that lets us transfer stuff from Tivo to home computer, which means that you might be able to get all of those Battlestar Galactica episodes. Go to the Tivo website for info. Do you have a DVD burner on your laptop?

Food in the fridge is mostly dairy. Feel free to take anything you want.

Plants are all watered inside, and since it’s supposed to rain no worries on the plants outside.

I just changed George’s water. His food is behind the rice bowl on the top shelf above his bowl. He only needs three or four pellets a day, and I think there’s enough food for the time I’m gone. If not, look in the rice bowl for more food. DO NOT PUT HIM IN THE FREEZER!

travel, jose, relampago, puli, funny, crianza

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