Happy New Year!

Feb 01, 2011 16:07

So today is Feburary 1st, and I will consider today the start of the new year. January sucked too much to be really considered part of anything I want to have to do with.

And with the new year, we bought our tickets to Jamaica for Graham's brother's wedding in April. The flights are direct, and I think we'll have a very nice time.

And with the new year, it's freezing here! Literally! Nights in the 20s, days in the 30s. SNOW(!!!) on Friday. I realize that a good hunk of the country has had more than enough snow this year, but this sort of thing doesn't happen around here all that much.

And the world seems to be shaking upside down. Everyone's atwitter about whether the health law will survive the ruling in Florida (I think it will, but I'm an optimist when it comes to this sort of thing). Egypt is on the cusp of something remarkable. The Republicans seem to be more interested in making all sorts of symbolic stances than doing anything productive to run the country. And I think we'll all end up surviving somehow or another.

I don't know what the future will look like. I've given up trying to predict that fickle beast years ago. Nothing ever turns out the way I expect it to, but I do know that the suprises that life throws at me are usually for my own good.

And so, the do-over for the new year begins, and I already feel better.


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