I wanna go home

Oct 22, 2005 23:54

Do you think if I click my heels together that I'll get to go home? I have the ruby slippers. I got married in them so I think I'll try clicking. If it doesn't work then I'm going to go visit good ole Jack Daniels thats we brought from home. He's such a friendly neighbor.

You know I thought I'd never have to spend another night in a apartment again after buying the house, this totally sucks. We did get 2 bids back from contractors and from what I remember it's going to cost about $20,000 to repair the damage. Thank God for insurance and Thank God that I didn't have Allstate or State Farm. I love AAA! They have been so good to us.....so far. I guess not many people have AAA home insurance that's why they can be so good to us. All of my neighbors have State Farm or Allstate and most of them still don't haven't had an adjuster come out and look at their damage. I feel so sorry for FL. This whole coast line is going to be so beaten but not to worry, the South will rise again. LOL It's not like we haven't been through something horrible before.

You know how many hurricanes I've slept through? Growing up it was a joke in my whole entire family, that if it rains, tornados, hurricanes, you name it, we're stayin' put and sleepin right through it. Rick grew up in Los Angeles, Ca where there was never any really bad rain. When he moved to Texas he thought Oh Shit what have I gotten myself into. When his parents come visit they sit out on my patio and just watch it rain. They're amazed at how much rain falls. It's just normal to me. Its great sleeping weather. I grew up with a Tin Roof so the rain hitting that roof top made like a muscial sound that just put you into a deep sleep. Now adays there's shingles and shit that have no sound at all, most of the time if you don't look out the window or turn the weather channel on you won't even know its raining, its such a shame. But I guarentee you one thing, if the weather man says HURRICANE COMETH, Karrie is packin her shit and gettin the hell out of dodge. LOL If ya'll looked at the pics on our website then you'll see I have no freakin trees left hardly and what's there, there's no tops. We were told that we had a tornado hit us and that's what caused so much damage down our road. I've slept through those things!!!!!! Who knows, knowing me I'll sleep through more of them. LOL Things just seem a bit different having Nicholas around now. It seems all of my "craziness" is just but a dream now. I feel like such an adult, how depressing is that? Hell I haven't been with Jack in such a long time I bet he would burn if I swallowed. LOL Read into that one won't cha?

I just decided to get on here and babble, sorry for that. But everyone is sleeping and it's nice and quiet, no more screaming, no more bitching, no more nothing. Just me and my computer and I'm really enjoying it except for this chair that is hurting my butt. The insurance people who furnished this apartment for us got us a desk but forgot the chair...DOH! So we're using a kitchen chair and my butt is stuck to it. Listen real closely and you'll hear me when I get up. Bet that got your attention!!!!

Anyways, that's all for now.

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