All the Hidden Spaces - Art Masterpost for winterstorrms Merlinreversebb fanfic

Mar 20, 2014 18:57

Texasislandr's Art Masterpost for
merlinreversebb prompt #1012

7 Merlin fanart illustrations for
winterstorrm's RRB fanfic: All the Hidden Spaces

Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to Shine and BBC, my RBB partner and I just took a moment to play with the characters for a bit ^.^

Art Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur (with an appearance from Gwaine and Lancelot)
Art Rating: (6 pieces are PG - 1 piece is PG-13)
Warnings: Scene #3 has Merlin in the bathtub, but you can't see anything so it's harmless, just some wonderfully shirtless Merlin and Arthur ^.~

Fanfic Title: All the Hidden Spaces


Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Fic Rating: (NC-17)
Word Count: 21k
Warnings: None
Summary: Just because Arthur had noticed that the new courier had a rather nice arse, gorgeous clear blue eyes and cheekbones of the like Arthur had never seen on another man before didn’t mean he had a 'thing' for him.

Link to Fanfic- AO3:

Artists Notes: There are 7 art pieces for this story (way more than I originally anticipated lol!), but after winterstorrm sent me her list of scene plot bunnies, I couldn't stop myself ^.^ I had so much fun doing this, and I hope everyone enjoys looking at them.

I want to say thank you to my wonderful writer winterstorrm, who has become a dear friend during this process ^.~ Thank you for choosing me, and for creating such an amazing story *hugs* I'm looking forward to all of our future collaborations, especially the AfterCamlann Big Bang. You're awesome!

Now on to the art!......

#1 - Original Prompt - The Accident

#2 - The Hospital

#3 - The Bathroom Surprise (squeeee the guys shirtless ^.~)

#4 - The Coffee Shop (with Gwaine)

#5 - The Argument (Squeeee love Merlin with tatoos, not to mention shirtless again ^.^)

#6 - The Art Gallery (with Lancelot)

#7 - The Office (My favorite background, I want to work in that office)
