stop stealing my records kids! i went to that dumb trail of dead adultswim thing & almost killed the kids splashing water on my glasses. KILLED. then everything in my life went back to people being heroin addicts/shittyasfuck. shoot it up the viens in your eyeballs next time,please. i got paid to watch alot of good bands at acl, 14 hour days. i guarded the VIP box at the cingular stage. sorry rita didn't give you all better writing material and excuses to throw "benefits." what! my sister told me to type it.
oasis called 15 minutes before they went on to have everyone make sure i only let certain people up to the vip balcony or else liam would be pissed off, basically, and would probably end up refusing to play like he usually does.. but slip me a $20 & you'll get up there anyways. i did that for one couple then he offered me a job & his wife brought me all this beer & asked if i had seen chris martin & gywenth paltrow on stage. which i hadn't. even though they were right in front of me. fuyck!
the lady they sent to help me was sooo drunk, and i was tipsy & everyone was yelling at us & we thought it was funny but also a nightmare. before all that i got to see built to spill, death cab for cutie, & jet mostly all by myself on my stage, minus these funny pissed off acl guys. i kept letting artists up there even though i wasnt supposed to simply because they were drunk & hitting on me. i never do things like that. the night before was lyle lovett! he's not bad live. jet is fiiiiiine. the drummer wears whitey tighties. love at first sight.
at my mom's work coldplay & apple's middle eastern nanny who does the whole
nine yards of covering her face and all that came in for facials n shit.. !!?
& rita did affect my life, my brother "lives" in beaumont.